Years 2007-2009 Death Notices published in Greek Orthodox Observer Newspaper

The Orthodox Observer, the national publication of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, functions as the primary news and information connection and is a direct physical link between the Archdiocese, the Metropolises, parishes and individual parishioners.

The Orthodox Observer has a section titled "In Memoriam" where they print detailed death notices about clergy, presbytera's, and various other important members of the church.

You can access the archives online at

The following are notices printed in the years 2007-2009

January/February 2007
Fr. Nicholas Michael Sitaras
Charles S. Sosangelis
Fr. George Nicholas Thanos
Fr. Peter N. Kyriakos

May 2007
Fr. Michael C. Harmand
Very Rev. James Mihalakis
Fr. Demetrios Kavadas

June 2007
Fr. Emmanuel Papageorge
Katherine Pappas
Margarite Chafos

July/August 2007
Fr. Leonidas Kotzakis
Presb. Sophronia Tomaras
Fr. John H. Paul
Fr. Dean Timothy Andrews

September/October 2007
Thomas D. Demery
Fr. Nicholas G. Katsoulis
Virginia Trakas Couchell
Fr. Peter B. Koskores

December 2007
Fr. Emmanuel J. Gratsias
Alex Kontos
Fr. Chrysostom Maniudakis

January 2008
Archbishop Chrysostomos, Former Head of Cyprus Church
Fr. William Kehayes
Fr. Antony Sirigos
Athena Hatziemmanuel
George V. Tsounis
Olga Sarantos
Fr. George N. Bartz
Metropolitan Dionysios of New Zealand

February 2008
Fr. William Kehayes

March 2008
Fr. George Kalpaxis
Frank P, Agnost
Fr. George Nicozisin

May 2008
Fr. Panagiotis Kastaris
Fr. Michael Michalopoulos
Fr. George J. Mamangakis
Deacon John T. Kontogianes

Jiune 2008
Prof. Charles Moskos
Fr. Nicholas Retselas
Very Rev. Paul Koutoukas

July/August 2008
George P. Kokalis
Presbytera Metaxia S. Papademetriou

September 2008
Ike Pappas
Fr. George Longos
Presbytera Joy Andrews

October 2008
Fr. Nicholas Trivelas
Fr. Nicholas Dotson

November 2008
Fr. George E. Philippas
Presbytera Alyce Gaines

January 2009
Fr. George Paulson

April 2009
Fr. Dennis Cavanos
Fr. Constantine Palassis
Fr. Philemon Payiatis
Fr. Antony Spirtos

May/June 2009
Constantine Papadakis
Fr. James Orfanakos
Joshua Waynick

July/August 2009
Fr. George Kalangis
Gus Kyrkostas

September 2009
Fr. Leonidas Drakopoulos
