MUNICIPALITY OF KASTORIOU, REGION OF LACONIA, GREECE - Greek/English translation of the 1872 General Election List - 1,010 men with 328 surnames

These translations are available for FREE as of September 2013 in the following posts: PART 1 - http:// hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot. com/2013/09/ part-1-of-5-kastoriou-laconia-g reece.html PART 2 - http:// hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot. com/2013/09/ part-2-of-5-kastoriou-laconia-g reece.html PART 3 - http:// hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot. com/2013/09/ part-3-of-5-kastoriou-laconia-g reece.html PART 4 - http:// hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot. com/2013/09/ part-4-of-5-kastoriou-laconia-g reece.html PART 5 - http:// hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot. com/2013/09/ part-5-of-5-kastoriou-laconia-g reece.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPALITY OF KASTORIOU, Laconia, Greece ----- The digital collections of the Greek State Archives offer a wealth of information to those of us interested in Greek genealogy. Included are the " 1872 General Election Lists" for the Municipality of Kastoriou E...