"The Greeks of Raleigh, North Carolina" article by Foti Jean-Pierre Fotiu

"The Greeks of Raleigh, NC" by Foti Jean-Pierre Fotiu, article published in The National Herald, February 25 - March 3, 2023. ----- Hellenic Genealogy Geek would like to thank The National Herald for giving us permission, many years ago, to reprint articles that would be of interest to our genealogy community. ----- In 1895, Mr. Constantine Vurnakes departed his native city of Sparta, Greece. No one knew what brought Mr. Vurnakes to Raleigh; like so many other of his fellow citizens, he pursued the American dream, a dream which brought immigrants from all parts of Europe to discover a better life. Greeks were among the first immigrants who crossed the Atlantic to get their first glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the customary landing and processing point for incoming immigrants from Europe. With great ambition, they brought varying degrees of introductory knowledge to the new world, for they were here to build their livelihoods. So why did Mr. Vurnake...