40 Greek names in booklet "The Wyoming Hellenes" by Patrick Pace

The Wyoming Hellenes - Two Papers on Greek-American Immigrants to the State of Wyoming and their Communities by Patrick Pace, published by Absent House Publishing in 2022. This booklet includes 40 Greek names - listed below. From book cover: This booklet contains two separate but overlapping research papers covering the Greek-American immigrant experience in Wyoming. As part of that experience, it explores the tension Greek immigrants felt between two homelands in the early twentieth-century as they settled in Wyoming. Here, Greek-Americans were often caught between loyalty to their sending culture and patriotism in their receiving country -- the United States. This research evaluates the concepts of transnationalism, cosmopolitanism, and particularity that the immigrant often faces as they wrestle between two identities. The Greeks and Greek Orthodox of Wyoming were and are not isolates in their experiences, but did manage to retain a healthy gras...