Something New To Try When Using in the Library for FREE

I have written before about how you can use for FREE at most of your local libraries. This is a great way to get free census records, military records, and other vital records such as birth, marriage, and death for your family tree. has over 4 million records for people that have Greece listed as their place of birth. This is a helpful article that was recently written to help you use this program more effectively - "Something New To Try When Using in the Library" - posted by Anne Gillespie Mitchell on March 20, 2014 in Ask Ancestry Anne, Reference Desk Did you know that is available for free in thousands of libraries in the U.S.? You can't create a tree, or post messages on message boards. You can't sit in your jammies and work on your family (please don't sit in your jammies in the library!) You can't work until 3am in the morning. But you can view much of our great content. But how do ...