186 Greece Born - Washington D.C., Military Naturalization Petitions, 1918-1924

Ancestry.com has a database online that is titled - WASHINGTON D.C., MILITARY NATURALIZATION PETITIONS, 1918-1924 which includes 186 people who listed Greece as their place of birth - you will have the ability to view the actual petition online. Don't forget - most of you can access these records online at your local public library for FREE. Read more on one of my previous posts " Something New To Try When Using Ancestry.com in the Library for FREE " Description of database from Ancestry.com This database contains Petitions for Naturalization filed by former soldiers in Washington, D.C., courts during the years 1918–1924. Petitions may include a wide range of details, such as name current address occupation birth date and place current and former citizenship marriage and spouse details children emigration details About the Naturalization Process The first step for an immigrant who wanted to become a U.S. citizen was filing a Declaration of I...