Website Live - Ottoman Greeks in the U.S. Project
Message from George Topalidis, Ph.D. Student - Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida, OGUS Project Coordinator
Message dated December 20, 2018
Dear Friends of the OGUS Project,
I have some exciting news! Our webpage at the University of Florida's Samuel Proctor Oral History Program is officially online!
It contains the following sections.
1. The Collections - 2D images, documents in Demotic Greek, English, Karamanlidika, Katharevousa, Rumca, Ottoman, and Turkish, 3D renditions of objects, and interviews with descendants of immigrants from the former Ottoman Empire to the US. (We are awaiting the connection with the University of Florida's Digital Collection.)
2. The Map - An interactive map tracing migration from the Ottoman Empire to the US between 1904-1924.
3. Researchers - Biographies of our research team.
Feel free to browse!
I have some exciting news! Our webpage at the University of Florida's Samuel Proctor Oral History Program is officially online!
It contains the following sections.
1. The Collections - 2D images, documents in Demotic Greek, English, Karamanlidika, Katharevousa, Rumca, Ottoman, and Turkish, 3D renditions of objects, and interviews with descendants of immigrants from the former Ottoman Empire to the US. (We are awaiting the connection with the University of Florida's Digital Collection.)
2. The Map - An interactive map tracing migration from the Ottoman Empire to the US between 1904-1924.
3. Researchers - Biographies of our research team.
Feel free to browse!
Please like and share. Help us raise awareness about this important research.
George Topalidis
Ph.D. Student - Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida
OGUS Project Coordinator
Samuel Proctor Oral History Program
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