Greek Diaspora and Migration since 1700

242 Greek names are mentioned in the book “Greek Diaspora and Migration since 1700 – Society, Politics and Culture” edited by Dimitris Tziovas – published 2009 by Ashgate Publishing
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242 Greek names mentioned in this book
Table of Contents
Synopsis from the dust jacket
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Georgia Keilman
A resource for Greek family genealogy research
Adamos, Takis
Ajonovski-Oche, Vangel
Alexakis, Vassilis
Alexandropoulos, Mitsos
Alexiou, Elli
Amire, Ussi
Andonovski, Christo
Angelopoulos, Theo
Antonakos, Stephen
Antonellos, Manolis
Antonellos, Nikolaos
Antypas, Nikolas
Apostolidou, Venetia
Argyriou, Alexandros
Axioti, Melpo
Bellou, Sotiria
Bitoshki, Kruste
Bosis, Kostas
Botsaris, Markos
Brademas, John
Cababe, Paul
Calas, Nicolas (aka Nikos Kalamaris)
Calvocoressi brothers
Caradja, Rosa
Cassavettis, Dimitrios
Cavafy, C. P.
Chatziioannou, Maria Christina
Chatziphotis, I. M.
Chatzis, Dimitris
Christopoulos, Dimitris
Christou, Anastasia
Deliyiannis, Theodoros
Dimakis, Ilias (Goce)
Dimaras, K. Th.
Drakon, Nikolaos
Dritsas, Thomas
Dukakis, Michael
Eftaliotis, Argyris
Elytis, Odysseas
Ephtaliotis, Argyris
Eugenides, Jeffrey
Eumorfopoulos, Aristides
Eumorfopoulos, George
Ferentinos, Ioannis
Fiorenti, Anastasia
Fioretos, Aris
Fix, Karolos
Florin, Yerasimos
Fotiadis, Dimitrios
Franghiadi, Stephen
Gage, Eleni N.
Gage, Nicholas
Galati, Theoni
Gauntlett, Stathis
George, Andrew
George, Rosemary Marangoly
Giannaris, Constantine
Gikas, Ioannis
Gneftos, Pavlos
Gropas, Ruby
Helladius, Alexander
Iakoumi, Ioanna
Iliadis, Nikos
Iliou, Maria
Ionides family
Ionides, Efrosini
Jusdanis, Gregory
Kakoris, Ioannis
Kalamaris, Ioannis
Kalamaris, Nikos (aka Nicolas Calas)
Kalliarekos, Sokratis
Kallifatides, Theodor
Kapomatis, Ioannis
Karavelas, Ioannis
Karkavitsas, Andreas
Karnezis, Panos
Kassanos, Eleni (Helen)
Kassanos, Elizabeth
Kassanos, Vartholomaios
Kassava, Grigorios
Katsan, Gerasimus
Kavouras, Anestis
Kavouras, Yiorgos
Kavvadias, Nikos
Kazamias, Alexander
Kazantzakis, Nikos
Keramiciev, Mihail
Kitrilakis, Persis
Kitroeff, Alexander
Klironomos, Martha
Kokkinos, Christos
Konstandinidis, K. N.
Konstantinos, Yeoryios (George)
Korais, Adamantios
Kotsias, Tilemachos
Kounelis, Yannis
Kovellas, Aristotelis
Kranaki, Mimika
Laras, Loukis
Laskaridi, Antoni
Levi, Maschia
Levi, Rina
Loizos, Anastasios
Lykoudis, Emmanouil
Magnis, Petros
Majendie, Ioannis
Malanos, Timos
Mandiras, Yeoryios
Manesiotis, Joy
Marangoulis, Manolis
Markesun, Yitzhak
Matsakis, Themis
Mavrogordato, G. M.
Mavroiannis, Andreas
Melas, Konstantinos
Melas, Leon
Melas, Vassilios
Melas, Yeoryios
Metaxas, Angelos
Metaxas, Constantine
Metaxas, Elizabeth
Metaxas, Maria
Michailidis, Iakovos
Mikedaki, Evangelista
Mikedaki, Marigo
Monioudis, Perikles
Moraitidis, Alexandros
Moschavi, Rita
Moschavi, Sara
Moschavi, Savrina
Moschos, Margaritis
Moullas, Panayiotis
Negri, Solomon
Negroponte brothers
Nerantzis, Tasos
Nikolaides, Ioannis
Nikolaidis, Nikos
Niotis, G.
Palamas, Kostis
Pallis, Alexandros
Pangalos, Theodoros
Pantazis, Periklis
Papadopoulos, Alekos
Papadopoulos, Thomas
Papandreou, Andreas
Papanikolaou, Dimitris
Papargyriou, Elenio
Parnis, Alexis
Pejov, Naum
Pelekanos, George
Petalas, Theodoros
Petridis, Pavlos
Petropoulos, Elias
Petrou, Stamatis
Petsalnikos, Filippos
Philippou, George
Pierides, George
Pieridis, Theodosis
Politis, Athanasios
Psomas, ikolaos
Psycharis, Yiannis
Ralli family
Ralli, Eustratio
Ralli, Michael
Rallis, Pandias Stephanos
Randos, Nikitas (aka Nikos Kalamaris)
Raptis, Michalis
Rendis, Dimos
Rhodostomo, Nikolaos
Rodocanachi family
Sakellarios, N.
Samaras, Luca
Sarrinikolaou, George
Scaramanga, Julia
Scaramanga, Mariora
Scholes, John
Seferis, George
Serkis, Stefanos
Sevastikoglou, Yiorgos
Sfirelli, Eleni M.
Simovski, Todor
Spartali-Stillman, Marie
Spartali, Michael
Spieros, M. (aka Nikos Kalamaris)
Spilios, Apostolos
Stamelos, Kostas
Stamos, Theodoros
Stanellos, Spyros
Stathoupopoulos, Thymios
Steris, Yerasimos
Stratigopoulou, Danae
Syngros, Andreas
Theotokas, Yiorgos
Thorichy, Matthew
Tolides, Tryfon
Triandafyllidou, Anna
Triffilis, Antonios
Trifillis, Elizabeth
Trifillis, Nicholas
Trikoupis, Spyridon
Tsangaradas, Kostas
Tsaravopoulos, Nikolas
Tsirkas, Stratis
Tsitsanis, Vasilis
Tzannachis, Themistoklis Vlaassopoulos
Tziovas, Dimitris
Valaoritis, Nanos
Vamvakaris, Markos
Vardalos, Nia
Venturas, Lina
Vikelas, Dimitrios
Vlastos, Petros
Vogli, Elpida
Voukinas, Timotheos
Voulgaris, Daniil
Voulgaris, Pantelis
Xenos, Stephanos
Yamvili, Yani
Yennadios (Cypriot Archimandrite)
Yeorgirinis, Iosif
Yialourakis, Manolis
Zafiropoulou, Meletti
Zambaco, Maria Terpsithea
Zee, Nikolaos
Zei, Alki
Zografos, Konstantinos
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Introduction – Dimitris Tziovas
The Émigré Experience: Case Studies
Tales from the Dark Side: Transnational Migration, the Underworld and the “Other” Greeks of the Diaspora – Thomas W. Gallant
Silent Minority: The Greek Community of Eighteenth-Century London – Jonathan Harris
Greek Merchants in Victorian England – Maria Christina Chatziioannou
Repatriation, Migration or Readjustment: Egyptian Greek Dilemmas of the 1950s – Anthony Gorman
Searching for a Motherland: Slav-Macedonian Political Refugees in the People’s Republic of Macedonia (1944-2003) – Iakovos D. Michailidis
No Place is (like) Home: Mobilities, Memories and Metamorphoses of Greek Migrants in Denmark – Anastasia Christou
National Centre and Transnational Periphery
A Greece for Greeks by Descent? Nineteenth-Century Policy on Integrating the Greek Diaspora – Elpida Vogli
Defining the Changing Boundaries of Greek Nationality – Dimitris Christopoulos
‘Deterritorrrialising’ the Nation: the Greek State and ‘Ecumenical Hellenism’ – Lina Venturas
The Limits of Political Transnationalism: The Greek-American Lobby 1070s – 1990s – Alexander Kitroeff
Indigenous Foreigners: The Greek Diaspora and Travel Writing (1880-1930) – Dimitris Tziovas
Between Language, Land and Empire: Humanist and Orientalist Perspectives on Egyptian-Greek Identity – Alexander Kazamias
The Poetics of Transit: Exile, Diaspora and Repatriation in Stratis Tsirka’s Novels – Eleni Papargyriou
‘Be it Ever so Humble’: Nostalgia for Home and the Problem of Return in Post-War Greek Novels – Gerasimus Katsan
The Politics of Memory in the Fiction of Greek Political Exiles in Eastern Europe – Venetia Apostolidou
The Return of Nikitas Randos: Satire, Memory and Otherness in the Post-War Poetry of Nicolas Calas – Lena Hoff
The Topos of Home in New Greek-American Writing – Martha Klironomos
Repatriation on Screen: National Culture and the Immigrant Other since the 1990s – Dimitris Papaikolaou
The Diaspora Sings Back: Rebetika Down Under – Stathis Gauntlett
The Greek diaspora is one of the paradigmatic historical diasporas. Though some trace its origins to ancient Greek colonies, it is really a more modern phenomenon. Diaspora, exile and immigration represent three successive phases in Modern Greek history and they are useful vantage points from which to analyse changes in Greek society, politics and culture over the last three centuries.
Embracing a wide range of case studies, this volume charts the role of territorial displacements as social and cultural agents from the eighteenth century to the present day and examines their impact on communities, politics, institutional attitudes and culture. By studying migratory trends the air is to map out the transformation of Greece from a largely homogenous society with a high proportion of emigrants to a more diverse society inundated by immigrants after the end of the Cold War. The originality of this book lies in the bringing together of diaspora, exile and immigration and its focus on developments both inside and outside Greece.
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