Hundreds of names 1696-1898 Galata - Church of St John

A few days ago I received a wonderful email from Debbie Petrides, a continuous contributor to She sent me a link to a Google online book: Ο ΕΝ ΓΑΛΑΤΑ, ΙΕΡΟΣ ΝΑΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ ΤΩΝ ΧΙΩΝ – τπο ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Π. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑΔΟΥ In Galata, Church of Saint John the Snow – by Georgiou P. Georgiadou Published in Konstantinople in 1898 This book covers the history of building, destruction and rebuilding of the church throughout the years, and of great interest to those doing Greek genealogy research, it INCLUDES HUNDREDS OF NAMES. I am posting this link here on the blog, but will work to transcribe the names in both Greek and English for future posting on the website. Good luck with your Greek genealogy research. Georgia Keilman nee Stryker (Stratigakos)