Lexicon of Greek Names Online

This is a great tool to confirm that the name you may be looking for is authentic in spelling or if the name has been shortened this can be a good way to get clues as to what the original name may have been. This is NOT every Greek name. "The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN) was established to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names, drawing on the full range of written sources from the 8th century B.C. down to the late Roman Empire." This is a major project of the British Academy.
You will have to be able to spell the name you are looking for in Greek. If you don't know how to spell the name in Greek, use the Transliteration Chart from HellenicGenealogyGeek.com , try to write down how you think the name may have been spelled in Greek and then start browsing the lists. They are broken down by geographic area and can be viewed in a normal forward alphabetical listing or in reverse, which allows you to view names with like endings. Very interesting.
I need to spend more time exploring this website, and can't wait. Hope you all find this to be a valuable resource in your research.
Georgia Keilman nee Stryker (Stratigakos)
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