My Big Pile of Misc Genealogy Notes

I am one of those people who jots down notes whenever something occurs to me, I see something on the internet, or my mother tells me a story about her family, etc. I have a lot of great ideas, I just don't know where I put them! Today I gathered my different piles of notes (there are probably some other ones hiding somewhere), and decided I would get organized. By the way, I've made this commitment before - many times. The reason for my new found enthusiasm is that I am having trouble moving forward with my research. I'm spinning my wheels at this point. Every time I want to start searching for details about one of my ancestors, I can't move forward because I think "maybe I already did this." A research log is also something I need. Of course all of my good intentions won't make any difference if I am not disciplined and stick to it. This time I am going to try . - It seems simple to use. I can have it in...