Turkish Girl Elopes with Christian Greek and Mohammedans Are Horrified - Chicago Daily Tribune, August 20, 1911

LOVE LEVELS CHURCH BARRIER ----- Turkish Girl Elopes with Christian Greek and Mohammedans Are Horrified ----- SALONIKI, Aug. 19 - There has been a romantic sequel to the political murder in Constantinople of Zeki Bey, editor of an opposition paper. The day after her father's assassination Zeki Bey's daughter eloped with a Greek who was a neighbor of the family. The closed secrecy was necessary, as the idea of a union between a Mohammedan girl and a Christian rouses the Turks to frenzy and would probably be punished with death. From Constantinople the pair went by steamer to Pireaus, the port of Athens. Here the Turkish consul boarded the steamer to arrest the girl. The Greek harbor officials questioned his authority and the lovers hastened ashore to a hotel, where a policeman was detailed to guard them from further molestation. Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, August 20, 1911