Huffington Post Interview with Gonda Van Steen - Greek Adoptions

THE CHILDREN OF ADOPTION IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR ROOTS Interview by Justin Frangoulis-Argyris, Journalist and Writer, with Gonda Van Steen. Published in the Greek Huffington Post on October 3, 2018. English translation ----- A whole generation of children born in Greece in the 50s, 60s and 70s abandoned on steps of homes, nurseries and orphanages, children given to American and European families for adoption, replacing the social welfare of post-war Greece, today seeks to find its roots . Dr. Gonda Van Steen , Professor of Hellenic Studies at Florida University, has explored this research by trying to find the case files but also to find a methodological correlation of the Cold War era with the influence of America and Europe on the social fabric of Greece. The massive adoption wave from Greece to America proved to be the most compact example of Greece's dependence on the United States. Adopted Greek children retain the experiences ...