Realism at Hull House....Chicago Greeks Produce "The Return of Odysseus" (includes names of Greek actors) - article in Chicago Daily Tribune, December 7, 1899

Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, December 7, 1899 REALISM AT HULL HOUSE ----- Audience Yells at Sham Knockout in Homeric Play ----- Chicago Greeks Produce "The Return of Odysseus" with Such a Spirit the Audience Gasps and Applauds - Climax is the Boxing Match - Will Be Given Tonight and Tomorrow - Kissing Poster Causes More Talk at Evanston About Student Drama. Chicago Greeks reproduced scenes from ancient Hellenic life last night at Hull House. And they threw into the performance a realism that brought the audience to its feet with cheers. The climax came in the scene where two Phaeacian nobles box before Odysseus. Both were cestl and the exhibition drew yells of applause from the audience. It was as spirited as a six-round bout at Tattersall's and when the six-foot Phaeacian went down and took ten seconds the audience gasped, so real was the apparent knockout. Not till the actor reappeared in the next scene could ...