
Showing posts from April, 2015

The Story of Greeks in Italy

THE STORY OF GREEKS IN ITALY Published by Greek Reporter - Europe on April 27, 2015 Authored by Ioanna Zikakou Greeks have been migrating to Italy for many centuries. The first wave of Greek migrants moved to Venice before the 10th century. They were mostly craftsmen and artists who were sought after for their technical expertise, contributing to the construction and decoration of many buildings across the city.  The Greek migration wave grew even larger after the Turks advanced against the Byzantine Empire and peaked after the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. It is estimated that the Greek population of Venice reached 5,000 people at the time.  Since the Greeks first arrived in Venice, they claimed their right to freely exercise their religious duties but the city’s political and religious authorities refused. For several decades they secretly exercised their religious rights in their homes, until the Council of Florence provided a chape...

Synagonists: The Greek Jews in the National Resistance - The Ones Who Never Wore the Yellow Star

SYNAGONISTS:  THE GREEK JEWS IN THE NATIONAL RESISTANCE Published by Greek Reporter USA on April 25, 2015 Author - Ioanna Zikakou The exhibition “Synagonistis: The Greek Jews in the National Resistance – The Ones Who Never Wore the Yellow Star” was officially launched in Washington. Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Kotzias, Greek Ambassador. Christos Panagopoulos, Senior Rabbi Bruce Lustig and the Director of Athens’ Jewish Museum Zanet Battinou, as well as several diplomatic, academic, cultural, journalistic and social elite representatives of the Greek-American and American-Jewish communities were present at the launch event.  The exhibition, originating from the Jewish Museum of Greece and presented by the Embassy of Greece, aims to honor the contribution of the Greek Jewish fighters to the struggle against the Nazis in occupied Greece, as well as dispute the theory that all Jews succumbed to the Holocaust like “lambs to the slaughter.” Apart ...

4,870 born in Greece - Alabama Census Records 1850-1940

Image  has FREE databases that will allow you to view census forms for people listed as being born in Greece and residing in Alabama. LINK TO 4,870 RECORDS Includes the following record sets: United States Census, 1850  United States Census, 1860 United States Census, 1870 United States Census, 1880 United States Census, 1900 United States Census, 1910 United States Census, 1920 United States Census, 1930 United States Census of Merchant Seamen, 1930 United States Census, 1940 Each year the census form is different and does a great job of providing information for each year.  (Click on a name and then follow the link on the right hand side titled "About this collection".)