
Showing posts from September, 2015

FREE Digitized Book - Files on the Formation and Evolution of Municipalities in Greece 1836-1939 - Genealogy Research Tool

The Digital Library of Modern Greek Studies has the following book, available in digital format that you can download for FREE. Αρχεία περί της συστάσεως και εξελίξεως των Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων 1836-1939 και της διοικητικής διαιρέσεως του κράτους (Files on the formation and evolution of Municipalities 1836-1939 and the administrative division of the State) This is a wonderful genealogy tool to use when researching community name changes in Greece between the formation of the state in 1836 and the year 1939.  It is written in Greek. Quote from Greek family history researcher, Lica Catsakis - " An excellent book for finding to which municipality/community or which county a town belonged at a given time."

The Brothers Camarinos: Hawaii Pineapple Entrepreneurs Pre-Statehood

THE BROTHERS CAMARINOS HAWAII PINEAPPLE ENTREPRENEURS PRE-STATEHOOD Published in The National Herald, August 8-14, 2015 Issue Authored by Steve Frangos TNH Staff Writer ------------------------------ We are excited to announce that  The National Herald  has given Hellenic Genealogy Geek the right to reprint articles that may be of interest to our group.  ------------------------------ CHICAGO- The Camarinos brothers were among the first Greeks to settle in Hawaii in the 1880s. Originally from the village of Tsintzina near Sparta the Camarinos family relocated to nearby Goritsa. What might seem a minor point of family history becomes a prominent factor in this clan’s future business interests. Three Camarinos brothers eventually traveled to Hawaii, Demetrius (1856- 1903), Panayiotis (later Peter) (1862-1942) and John.  Understanding the collective actions of these brothers can serve several historical purposes. First, given the l...

Settlement of KAMINION, Municipality of Faridos, Region of Lakonia, Greece - FREE Translation of 1873 General Election List

The digital collections of the Greek State Archives offer a wealth of information to those of us interested in Greek genealogy.  As part of their online collection is the "Election Material From the Collection of Vlachoyiannis" .  This includes "General Election Lists" for each Municipality; recorded by community (city, village, settlement, etc.). You can view a scanned copy of each list, printed in the Greek language.  This is a GREAT resource, but very difficult to navigate for those who do not read Greek.  Each row includes:  Line # -  Given Name, Surname - Father's Name -  Age - Occupation. I have translated these pages and made them available in both Greek and English, doing my best to transcribe the information accurately.  I would always recommend viewing the original scanned copies (link below).    - To the best of my knowledge, these lists include all Males who were eligible to vote i...