11 born in Greece - Arizona County Coroner and Death Records 1881-1971
Ancestry.com has a new database titled ARIZONA, COUNTY CORONER AND DEATH RECORDS, 1881-1971 - it includes 11 records for people born in Greece. I have included a list of the names below, along with a description of the database. If you do not have a subscription to Ancestry.com, remember that you can access the program at most of your local libraries for FREE. ----- James Coules, born abt 1886, died 1935 Geo. K.Dillos, born abt 1863, died 1922 Charlie Hackett, born abt 1857, died 1948 Tom Kopulus, born abt 1885, died 1942 John Kotigas, born abt 1886, died 1946 Steve D. Laluntes, born abt 1896, died 1924 Peter Paffas, born abt 1885, died 1928 Chris Papagean, born abt 1889, died 1926 Peter Sokelarris, born abt 1866, died 1923 C. C. Tocumtas, born abt 1889, died 1935 Fotine Xalis, born abt 1890, died 1926 ----- Description of Database from Ancestry.com Source Information: County Coroner Records. Arizona History and Archives ...