History of the Order of AHEPA - The Years 1927-29 (Includes 388 Names)

The following is courtesy of the ORDER OF AHEPA - Taken from the book "The History of the Order of Ahepa (The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) 1922-1972" by George J. Leber, Executive Secretary of the Order of Ahepa.  Published by the Order of Ahepa, Washington, D.C. 1972.

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CHAPTER THREE:  The Years 1927-29

Fifth Supreme Convention
August 29 - September 3, 1927
Miami, Florida

The officers of the Convention business sessions were:  Achilles Catsonis, Chairman; Philip Stylianos, Vice Chairman; and Alexander Page, Secretary.  There were 122 delegates present, including ten Supreme Lodge officers, seven members of the Mother Lodge, and 105 Chapter delegates.

The Chapter Delegates to this convention were:  
Tony Hadji, Charlotte, N.C.
Nick Giannaris, Charleston, S.C.
Dr. G.M. Saliba, Savannah, Ga.
George Smitzes and N. Contax, Tampa, Fla.
T.M. Parsons, Tulsa, Okla.
A. Horologas, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Elias Smitzes, Tarpon Springs, Fla.
Charles Dixie, Dallas, Texas
George Demeter, Boston, Mass.
Dean Alfange and John Dounoukos, New York City
Michael Dorizas, Philadelphia
James Karambelas and John Billias, Asheville, N.C.
James Cafcalas, Houston, Tex.
Nicholas Sakelos, Baltimore
George Thomaides, Washington, D.C.
Arthur Karkalas, Pittsburgh
Philip Stylianos, Nashua, N.H.
C.A. Tsangadas, Cleveland
Achilles Catsonis, Syracuse, N.Y.
Alex D. Varkas, Brookline, Mass.
Alex Patrellis, Detroit
Peter Catavolos, Brooklyn
E.A. Coronis and George A. Stathes, New York City
J. Papador, Milwaukee
Soterios Docos, Manchester, N.H.
William Roussis and D. Parry, Chicago
E. Rassias, Waterbury, Conn.
A.C. Kirios, Lynn, Mass.
George Veras, Yonkers, N.Y.
John Givas, Newark, N.J.
G. Theodorou, St. Louis
Andrew C. Angelson, Paterson, N.J.
George Demopoulos, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Peter Stavropoulos, Brockton, Mass.
P. L. Adams and Peter Demos, Canton, Ohio
John Stathius, Allentown, Pa.
J. Toulas, Reading, Pa.
Steve Kremastiotes, Bridgeport, Conn.
John D. Petrou, Akron, Ohio
Nicholas Notarys, Harrisburg, Pa.
E.J. Lagouros, Bethlehem, Pa.
A. G. Galanes, Astoria, N.Y.
Mike Frangos, Lancaster, Pa.
Peter Skokos, Trenton, N.J.
Alex J. Page, Kansas City, Mo.
George Lagakos, New Brunswick, N.J.
Jerry Nickas, Sunbury, Pa.
Peter A. Romas, Binghamton, N.Y.
P. E. Volo, Gary, Ind.
John Pappas, Chester, Pa.
Dr. Anthony Vamvas, Worcester, Mass.
E. Malas, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Louis Constantine, Portland, Me.
Rev. S. S. Spathy, Richmond, Va.
James Veras, Scranton, Pa.
George B. Andronicos, Springfield, Mass.
George J. Gibas, Jamaica, N.Y.
John Borovilos, Nw Castle, Pa.
John Aronis, Warren, Ohio
Const. G. Economou, Youngstown, Ohio
P. Nicholson, Danbury, Conn.
J. I. Evans, Buggalo, N.Y.
Gus Pappas, Steubenville, Ohio
Dr. C. J. Thomas, Chicago
Peter G. Sikokis, Chicago
John Govatos, Wilmington, Del.
P. Siniaris, Clarksburg, W. Va.
Anthony Rallis, New Haven, Conn.
Peter Marianopoulos, Stamford, Conn.
J. S. Stratigos, South Bend, Ind.
Steven S. Johnson, New Bedford, Mass.
Soterios Sampatacos, Lowell, Mass.
J.H. De Metro, Weirton, W. Va.
Achilles Joahnides, Providence, R.I.
C.G. Poulakos, Erie, Pa.
Nick D. Maousmoules, Jersey City, N.J.
John Catsampas, Pottsville, Pa.
John Marcopoulos, Norwich, Conn.
Nicholas Florides, Dayton, Ohio
E.G. Vaffeus, Plainfield, N.J.
Peter D. Bekeros, Newburgh, N.Y.
A.A. Adams, Toledo, Ohio
George Skaliotes, Peabody, Mass.
James M. Kotsobolos, Moline, Ill.
S. Logaras, Norfolk, Va.
P.C. Karavassos, Morgantown, W. Va.
John Manos, Schenectady, N.Y.
M. Frangidakis, Lewiston, Me.
J. Dellis, Bluefield, W. Va.
Const. Pellias, New Orleans, La.
J. Constand, Lynchburg, Va.
E. Apostolou, Roanoke, Va.
Louis Pappas, Fall River, Mass.
N. Katis, Flint, Mich.
S. Vlakousis, Lansing, Mich.
Tom N. Katris, Utica, N.Y.
Harry Zaharas, Elyria, Ohio
S. J. Tsenes, Joliet, Ill.
Thomas Jennett, Cincinnati, Ohio

The Supreme Lodge elected by the Miami convention was:
Dean Alfange, Supreme President
George E. Phillies, Supreme Vice President
Achilles Catsonis, Supreme Secretary
George J. Willias, Supreme Treasurer
Philip Stylianos, Supreme Counsellor
Supreme Governors:  Alexander Varkas, James Veras, Philip Peppas, George G. Smitzes, P.E. Volo, S. S. Spathy, C. R. Nixon, G. Theodorou, Alexander Petrelis, N.C. Calogeras, and Geroge C. Peterson.

Formation of "The Maids of Athens" at Springfield, Mass., by the Chapter, under the direction of Brother E. L. Janetis.  The first officers of The Maids of Athens Chapter were:
Maria Perivolas, President
Lucy Cokkinias, Vice President
Democlia Janetis, Secretary
Beatrice Soticopoulos, Treasurer
Helen Andricopoulos, Governor
Toula Saris, Governor
Helen Megas, Governor
Athina Hassapeli, Priestess
Catherine Caranicolas, Warden
Helen Kotopodas, Sentinel

Ahepa Scholarships awarded to:  E. Perivolas, Nicholas Argyr, John Sakellaris, Const. Gatsos, Cl L. Orphanides, M. G. Stratidakis, Arthur Hassiotis, Vasilios Vasiliou, Dan Pananicles, George Vanson, Peter Louris, and T. Protopapas

In a letter dated March 19, 1928 from the City Alderman of Ypsilanti, Mich., the City officially accepted the offer of the Order of Ahepa to erect a monument in their city in honor of Greek Revolutionary hero Gen. Demetrius Ypsilanti, after whom the city was named.  The Ahepa Committee in charge of the project was:  Supreme Governor A. Petrelis Perry, D. G Christopoulos (Chairman), Dr. Hale, Dr. Moisides, N.A. Nicholson, Charles Diamond, Constantine DeMoes, C.A. Tsangadas, J. Vouvakis, and James Balas.

The Sixth Supreme Convention
August 27 - September 1, 1928
Detroit, Michigan

The 1928 convention in Detroit was the largest in history to that time, with 164 delegates present.  Besides the Supreme Lodge, Mother Lodge Members Harry Angelopoulos, John Angelopoulos, Nicholas D. Chotas, George A. Polos, and P.J. Stamos, the following delegates represented their Chapters:
A.E. Constantine, Atlanta
Theodore Gianaris, Charleston, S.C.
Dr. G. M. Saliba, Savannah, Ga.
Frank Demetrios, Jacksonville, Fla.
N.N. Contax, Tampa, Fla.
Tony Crystal, Tulsa, Okla.
Gregory Constantine and George Morris, Miami
A. J. Horologas, St. Petersburg, Fla.
John T. Diamandis and John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
Sam Georges, Ft. Worth
George Cordes and Peter Vouchelas, New York City
George Cambanis, Phildelphia
James K. Karambelas and Pete Trouros, Asheville, N.C.
John L. Nicholas, Houston
Angelo Schiadaressi, Baltimore
George C. Vournas and Const. Placokefalos, Washington, D.C.
Arthur A. Karkalas, Pittsburgh
Const. A. Tsangadas, Cleveland
N.D. Spinos, Syracuse, N.Y.
George D. Raptieu and Charles N. Diamond, Detroit, Mich.
Thomas S. Themelis, Brooklyn
Zacharias E. Djimas and Emanuel G. Psaki, New York City
Stanley Stacey and C. C. Canellopoulos, Milwaukee
A. J. Bafallis and Soterios Docos, Manchester, N.H.
D.E. Alex and P.J. Prattes, Chicago
Milton Gounaris, Lawrence, Mass. 
Peter N. Laskas and Nicholas Anastos, Waterbury, Conn.
C.J. Critzas, Yonkers, N.Y.
John A. Givas, Newark, N.J.
John Karzin, St. Louis
A.C. Angelson and Samuel Aros, Paterson, N.J.
James Steliotis and Athanasios Petropoulos, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
James Tzimoulis, Hartford, Conn.
Andrew Nickas, Canton, Ohio
George Fullas, Allentown, Pa.
Louis Sofianos, Reading, Pa.
James G. Sentimentes, Bridgeport, Conn.
John D. Petrou, Akron, Ohio
Nicholas Notarys, Harrisburg, Pa.
Chris N. Geanakopolis, Minneapolis
Constantine Austin, Rochester, N.Y.
William Essaris and Pete Vamis, Wheeling, W. Va.
Thomas Shissias, Camden, N.J.
Soteris Lagges, Lancaster, Pa.
Michael D. Konomos, Kansas City, Mo.
Nick Orphan, Massilon, Ohio
George Lagakos, New Brunswick, N.J.
Louis Daniel, Sunbury, Pa.
S.G. Gianakouros, Binghamton, N.Y.
Louis H. George, Gary, Ind.
Nicholas D. Diacumakos, Chester, Pa.
Dr. Ph. Kyritsis, Worcester, Mass
Nick Paikos, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
L.K. Constantine, Portland, Me.
George Subley, Richmond, Va.
Peter Chakiris and Paul Kaldes, Scranton, Pa.
Elias Janetis, Springfield, Mass.
Nicholas Lampadakis, Jamaica, N.Y.
George Karides, New Castle, Pal
Chris Charnas, Warren, Ohio
Const. Economou, Youngstown, Ohio
Chris Demopoulos, Buffalo, N.Y.
Louis Fronistas, Steubenville, Ohio
A.A. Pantelis and M.N. Lambros, Chicago
George A. Kyriakopoulos and Harry G, Boolookos, Chicago
Alexander Poulicos and Steve Sarafis, Clarksburg, W. Va.
George E. Johnson, Astoria, N.Y.
Anthony Rallis, New Haven, Conn.
Peter Maryannopoulos, Stamford, Conn.
Nicholas A. Kandis, South Bend, Ind.
Steven Johnson, New Bedford, Mass.
Dr. T.A. Stamas, Lowell, Mass.
Gust Barbush, Steve Doulis, Weirton, W.Va.
John Koliopoulos, Oak Park, Ill.
George K. Demopoulos, Providence, R.I.
George K. Alexander and Const. Morris, Jersey City, N.J.
Carl Dakis, Pottsville, Pa.
John Romas, Elmira, N.Y.
Peter G. Giftos, Pittsfield, Mass.
Const. Zahars, Dayton, Ohio
E.G. Vaffeus, Plainfield, N.J.
Peter Bekyros, Newburgh, N.Y.
Alex Chanaka and George Laskey, Uniontown, Pa.
Anthony A. Adams, Toledo, Ohio
James N. Kotsovolos, Moline, Ill.
George Pahno, Norfolk, Va.
G.D. Skufakis, Hammond, Ind.
P.C. Karavassos, Morgantown, W. Va.
John Manos, Schenectady, N.Y.
Peter C. Malas, Cincinnati, Ohio
Costas Athan, Joliet, Ill.
George D. Panos, Bluefield, W. Va.
A.E. Couloheras, New Orleans, La.
Peter Zenings, Pontiac, Mich.
Nicholas D. Duskas, Watertown, N.Y.
J.N. Castros, Roanoke, Va.
Angel Triffon, Columbus, Ohio
Harry Katsiginis, Albany, N.Y.
Thomas Petrou, Flint, Mich.
Spiros Kahriman, Lansing, Mich.
Thomas N. Catris, Utica, N.Y.
Harry Zahars, Elyria, Ohio
James G. Dikeou, Denver
Jean N. Blaetos and Chris Harvalis, Omaha
Thomas Kademenos, Yorkville, Ohio
John H. Stampolis, San Francisco
A.A. Ladas, Fresno, Calif.
S. D. Christie, Los Angeles
Nicholas S. Chekos, Portland, Ore.
Charles Nicholas, Hopewell, Va.
William E. Contos, Washington, Pa.
George Spiridakis, Indiana Harbor, Ind.
John J. Pappas, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
G. Pappas, Bridgeton, N.J.
John Vouvakis, Detroit
Anton G Kochias and James L. Lesson, Beloit, Wisc.
P.S. Marthakis, Salt Lake City, Utah
Alex Keriakedes, Lincoln, Nebr.
James Camaras, Grand Island, Nebr.
Claibourne G. Perry, Bridgeport, Nebr.
Harry Delucas, Atlantic City
James Bouloukos, Freeport, N.Y.
George Giaksas, Bronx, N.Y.
J.J. Zefkeles, Seattle
V.I. Chebithes, New York City
Andrew Katsinos, Springfield, Ill.
George A. Stephano, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
George M. Paradise, Sioux City, Ia.
John D. Smith, Des Moines, Ia.

The convention officers elected were:
C.R. Nixon, Chairman
Const. A. Tsangadas, Vice Chairman
Const. G. Economou, Secretary

The Detroit convention elected the following Supreme Lodge:
Dean Alfange, re-elected to the office of Supreme President
George E. Phillies, re-elected Supreme Vice President
Achilles Catsonis, re-elected Supreme Secretary
John Govatos, Supreme Treasurer
C.A. Tsangadas, Supreme Counsellor
Supreme Governors:  Elias Janetis, James Veras, Philip D. Peppas, George C. Vournas, George S. Smitzes, C.R. Nixon, Peter G. Sikokis, Alexander Petrellis Perry, P.S. Marthakis, and George C. Peterson.

March 4, 1929 Inaugural Parade in Washington 
The Ahepa marchers were:  
James Koliopulos
A.B. Nicol
J. Paul Smith
John N. Collas
John P. Callas
Mike Sallas
John Nacopoulos
John Stamatakos
Thomas Phiopilis
George Papoutsis
Mike Procopiou
James Pananes
William Geckas
James Touloumis
C.H. Contos
Brother Mantis
Peter L. Dounis
Dr. Charles J. Demas
George H. Chaconas
Nick Manos
Nicholas Sakelos
Costas Paxenos
S. Kapiris
G.S. Andoniades
Themistocles N. Gounaris
Harry D. Nicholson
George Theodorou
Louis Lampros
George Katsaros
George G. Gouvas.

Supreme Lodge Photographed with President Calvin Coolidge
On February 4, 1929, the Ahepa Supreme Lodge visited President Calvin Coolidge at the White House in Washington, D.C., and the the President graciously walked out onto the White House lawn, where he was photographed with the entire Supreme Lodge.  Photographed with President Coolidge were:  Supreme President Alfange, Supreme Vice President Phillies, Supreme Secretary Catsonis, Supreme Treasurer Govatos, Supreme Counsellor Tsangadas, and Supreme Governors Janetis, Veras, Peppas, Vournas, Smitzes, Nixon, Sikokis, Perry, Marthakis, Peterson, and Volo.

Ahepa Scholorships 1929
Nicholas K. Matsoukas, Chicago
George J. Blaetus, Omaha
James A. Mitchell, Pittsburgh
Constantine Gatsos, Cleveland
D. Daniel Pananicles, Syracuse
John Leacacos, Cambridge
John Rodites, Brooklyn
Peter Kourides, Manchester
C.S. Stephanides, Ithaca
E. Athanasiades, Worcester
D. Diamandides, Springfield
George E. Loucas, Weirton
S.S. Aridas, Newark
George Phalares, Chicago
C. Orphanides, Worcester
August Pantages, Aberdeen, Wash.
