History of the Order of AHEPA - The Years 1929-31 (Includes 423 Names)

The following is courtesy of the ORDER OF AHEPA - Taken from the book "The History of the Order of Ahepa (The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) 1922-1972" by George J. Leber, Executive Secretary of the Order of Ahepa.  Published by the Order of Ahepa, Washington, D.C. 1972.

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CHAPTER FOUR:  The Years 1929-31

The Seventh Supreme Convention of the Order of Ahepa was held in Kansas City, Missouri, August 26-31, 1929, at the Ararat Temple.  Besides the Supreme Lodge officers, and 5 Mother Lodge members present, there were 152 Chapter Delegates in attendance representing their Chapters, as follows:

Augustus E. Constantine, Atlanta
Peter Demas, Tampa
Tony Crystal and V. W. Birbilis, Tulsa, Okla.
John Theophiles, Miami
Theo. J. Dimas, St Petersburg, Fla.
John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs, Fla.
George A. Rousse, Ft. Worth, Tex.
Harris J. Booras, Boston
James D. Jameson and George D. Cordes, New York City
Phokion Sober, Philadelphia
John Mandis, Asheville, N.C.
Nicholas Sakelos, Baltimore
Peter L. Dounis, Washington, D.C.
Arthur A. Karkalas, Pittsburgh
Constantine A. Poulides, Cleveland
Nicholas Anagnostopoulos, Syracuse, N.Y.
Angelo Colocousis, Haverhill, Mass.
Anthony C. Lingon, Detroit
Thomas S. Themelis, Brooklyn
George A. Stathes and Nicholas J. Garis, New York City
Charles Stefan, Milwaukee
George S. Porikos and D. Parry, Chicago
Nicholas Anastos, Waterbury, Conn.
C. J. Critzas, Yonkers, N.Y.
J.A. Givas, Newark
Chris Johanides and C. Theodorou, St. Louis
Samuel Aros, Paterson, N.J.
Thomas Alexander, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
James Tzimoulis, Hartford, Conn.
Peter Nickas, Allentown, Pa.
C.H. Contos, Reading, Pa.
Nicholas Ecoomou, Akron, Ohio
Thomas J. Christie, Minneapolis
William Essaris, Wheeling, W. Va.
Soterios Lagges, Lancaster, Pa.
Michael J. Konomos, Kansas City, Mo.
John G. Skourlas, New Brunswick, N.J.
Andrew P. Vassos, Binghamton, N.Y.
John Lincoln and James Michos, Gary, Ind.
E.P. Christaki, Chester, Pa.
Tom Valassopoulos, Ft.. Wayne, Ind.
Rev. S. S. Spathey, Richmond, Va.
P.A. Chakeres, Scranton, Pa.
John G. Michalaros, Springfield, Mass.
Nicholas Lampadakis, Jamaica, N.Y.
Nick Askounis, New Castle, Pa.
Basil Aronis, Warren, Ohio
C. G. Economou, Youngstown, Ohio
Paul K. Condrell, Buffalo
Arthur H. Peponis and Stelianos Reckas, Chicago
G. A. Kyriakopoulos and Harry Boolookos, Chicago
Thomas Thomas, Wilmington, Del.
James Theofan, Queensboro, N.Y.
William Chaltas, New Haven, Conn.
William S. Thomson, Stamford, Conn.
N.A. Kandis, South Bend, Ind.
William G. Annas, Weirton, W. Va
Aristotle Collias, Oak Park, Ill.
James A. Chakona, Erie, Pa.
Gust Morris, Jersey City, N.J.
John Catsambas, Pottsville, Pa.
John Tragakis, Norwich, Conn.
A.A. Adams, Toledo, Ohio
J.N. Kotsovolos, Moline, Ill.
Sam Skufakis and Henry J. Tamparry, Hammond, Ind.
J.J. Manos, Schenectady, N.Y.
John P. Harritos, Cincinnati, Ohio
Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville, Ky.
Michael Mallouchos, Joliet, Ill.
C. G. Paris, Lynchburg, Va.
Milton Vasilakos, Pontiac, Mich.
Nick Bozion, Flint, Mich.
Takis Kekesis, Lansing, Mich.
Harry Zaharas, Elyria, Ohio
John G. Dikeou, Denver
George N. Strike and N.J. Cutromanes, Salt Lake City
C. C. Harvalis and N.E. Payne, Omaha, Nebr.
William Petros, San Francisco
Tom J. Andrews, Los Angeles
Joseph N. Kovell, Sacramento
Dr. N.S. Checkos, Portland, Ore.
Louis K. Tsaros, Indiana Harbor, Ind.
Nicholas Argyr, Pueblo, Colo.
James A. Demopoulos, Detroit, Mich.
Anton G. Kochikas, Beloit, Wisc.
A.A. Andros, Lincoln, Nebr.
Nicholas D. Nitsos, Oakland, Cal.
Anthony Pappadakis, Seattle
C. J. Kavadis, Tacoma, Wash.
Nick Voures, Spokane, Wash.
Bill Karoulis, Green River, Wyo.
Peter Pitchios and Chris Papasoteriou, Bingham Canyon, Utah
George Karasoulos, Price, Utah
W. J. Koonan and V. I. Chebithes, New York city
Christ Stathes, Wichita, Kans.
Dr. P. G. Kokenes, Springfield, Ill.
G. Kokenes, , Springfield, Ill.
George A. Stephano, Sioux Falls, S.D.
George M. Paradise, Sioux City, Ia.
Gust Neofotist, Des Moines, Ia.
James Colliopoulos, Hagerstown, Md.
Paul M. Costas, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Charles Preketes, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Thomas Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids, Mich.
John Lambros, Anderson, Ind.
Peter A. Magas, Kalamazoo, Mich
Michael Sytanides, Brooklyn, N.Y.
B.C. Katsinas and Gus Sotter, Champaign, Ill.
D.G. Michalopoulos, Chicago
John Dayantis, Chicago
A.A. Pantelis, Evanston, Ill.
Frank Pofanti, Chicago,
Gust Marinos, Butte, Mont.
James Woonas, Mason City, Ia. 
James George Rorris, Muncie, Ind.
P. T. Kiseiras, Cheyenne, Wyo.
George K. Stavron, Muskegon, Mich.
Peter Stamates and Sam Poulos, Saginaw, Mich.
George Manos, Waukegan, Ill.
Louis D. Alexakis, Ventura, Cal.
George P. Mavrellis, Waterloo, Ia.
Chris Devatenos, Chicago, Ill.
Christopher S. Stephano, Philadelphia
James Mallios, Kokomo, Ind.
George N. Geranios, Great Falls, Mont.
John Marsellas and Gus Bakalaros, Rochester, Minn.
Andrew Kostas, Indianapolis
George Baseleon, Peoria, Ill.
Theodore Andronicos, San Francisco
Charles Costas, Oklahoma City, Okla.

1929-30 Supreme Lodge

The Officers of the new Supreme Lodge elected by the convention for the fiscal year of 1929-30 were: 
George E. Phillies, Supreme President
Peter G. Sikokis, Supreme Vice President
Achilles Catsonis, Supreme Secretary
John Govatos, Supreme Treasurer
George C. Vournas, Supreme Counsellor
Supreme Governors:  Harris J. Booraas, John J. Manos, Arthur A. Karkalas, Rev. S.S. Spathey, John Theophiles, Constantine Pellias, P.J. Stamos, Parasco E. Volo, Stelianos Reckas, Michael D. Konomos, P.S. Marthakis, P.J. Andrews, and Dr. N.S. Checkos.


On February 5, 1930, the entire Supreme Lodge visited President Herbert Hoover at the White House, and was photographed with the President after the visit, on the steps of the White House East Gate.  Those making the visit were:  George C. Vournas, Achilles Catsonis, George E. Phillies, P.G. Sikokis, John Govatos, H.J. Bouras, Parasco E. Volo, Dr. N.S. Checkos, P.S. Marthakis, Rev. S.S. Spathey, John J. Manos, S.J. Stamos, Michael D. Konomos, A.A. Karkalas, S.J. Reckas, Constantine Pelias.

Twenty-one Ahepa Scholarships were awarded in 1919 to:  Nicholas Argyr, William Vasselliew, James Sarkus, James A. Mitchell, Charles T. Tumazos, N. George Pulos, Joanna Jennie Gellas, Demosthenes Panagopoulos, Manuel N. Zarna, Christos D. Bratiotis, Constantine Pananicles, William D. Belroy, Xenophon Tripodes, Peter G. Levathes, Louis P. Koutsouris, August C. Pavlatos, George K. Giannoukos, Thomas G. Smyrnios, Harry Lofther, Nick Mars, Arthur S. Kanaracus.

On April 21, 1930, Jack Dempsey, Former heavyweight champion of the world, and his trainer, Jerry Luvadis, known as "Jerry the Greek" were initiated into the Order of Ahepa, at Chicago before 2,000 Ahepans at the Southmoor Hotel in Chicago.


The 8th Supreme Convention was held in Boston, Mass., August 25 through September 1, 1930.
Convention officers elected were:  
V.I. Chebithes, Chairman
Constantine G. Economou, Vice Chairman
James Chaconas, Secretary

Chapter Delegates were:
C.H. Poole and James Chiflakos, Atlanta
George M. Cassimus, Birmingham
Dr. G.M. Saliba, Savannah
C.R. Nixon and Theodore Zappas, Tulsa
Jerry Bakalis, Tampa
John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
James Triphon, West Palm Beach
Peter G. Booth, Ft. Worth
Demos Kakridas and John G. Chambers, Boston
Arthur G. Syran and Jason Kokinatos, New York City
Earnest Giores, Philadelphia
C.H. Rodopoulos and John Mandes, Asheville, N.C.
Nick Brown, Baltimore
William A. Revis, Washington, D.C.
P.W. Katsafanas, Pittsburgh
Philip Stylianos, Nashua, N.H.
Nicholas Companos and N.K. Stephanides, Cleveland
Peter Zaharis, Syracuse
Andrew Jarvis, Brookline, Mass.
Michael Loris, Brooklyn
Nicholas J. Garis and George Papaelias, New York City
P.P, Stathas, Milwaukee
Dr. Alexander Cambadhis and Chris J. Agrafiotis, Manchester, N.H.
James A. Poulakis and George N. Spannon, Chicago
John C. Mathew, Lawrence, Mass.
Louis Chronis and Peter Stavros, Waterbury, Conn.
Lucas Margarites and Andrew C. Milton, Lynn, Mass.
Constantine J. Critzas and Tom B. Pappas, Yonkers, N.Y.
Cyriaque A. Kypreos, Newark
Dr. C. B. Johannides, St. Louis
Andrew C. Angelson and Alexander Collis, Paterson, N.J.
Athanasios Petropoulos, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Peter S. Stavropoulos, Brockton, Mass.
James J. Starr, Hartford, Conn.
James P. Manos and Peter L. Adams, Canton, Ohio
Peter Nicas, Allentown, Pa.
C. Th. Mantis, Reading, Pa.
Dr. Spero G. Vryonis and Orestes Regas, Bridgeport, Conn.
James Thomas and John Petrou, Akron, Ohio
E. J. Lagouros, Bethelehem, Pa.
Christie N. Geankoplis and Spear A. Zacher, Minneapolis
Nicholas Katsampes, Rochester, N.Y.
William Essaris, Wheeling, W. Va.
Thomas Shissias, Camden, N.J.
Soterios Lagges, Lancaster, Pa.
Adamantios Vafeas, Trenton, N.J.
Gus Dagres, Massillon, Ohio
George Lagakos, New Brunswick, N.J.
Louis Costas, Binghamton, N.Y.
Alex Eliopoulos, Gary, Ind.
George Maravell and James Anderson, Worcester, Mass
N.D. Diakoumakos, Chester, Pa.
Louis K. Constantine, Portland, Me.
James Veras and John Pappas, Scranton, Pa.
James Mazarakos, Springfield, Mass.
Nicholas Lambadakis, Jamaica, N.Y.
William Lestas, New Castle, Pa.
Basile C. Aronis, Warren, Ohio
Constantine G. Economou and Peter G. Parthenos, Youngstown, Ohio
M.C. Nicholson and Sarantos Sakelarakis, Danbury, Conn.
S.H. Marcopoulos, Buffalo
Louis Fronistas, Steubenville, Ohio
Arthur H. Peponis and Louis George, Chicago
Demosthenes G. Panteles and Peter Matsoukas, Chicago
Thomas Thomas, Wilmington, Del.
John D. Pappas, Clarksburg, W. Va.
James Stathis, Astoria, N.Y.
Seraphim Pappas and James S. Carson, New Haven, Conn.
John Nestor, Stamford, Conn.
Stephen Johnson and James Jorvas, New Bedford, Mass.
George C. Eliades and Dr. Theodore A. Stamas, Lowell, Mass.
J.H. DeMetro, Weirton, W. Va.
A.N. Collias, Oak Park, Ill.
J.T. Tsigaridas and Cleanthis Granitsas, Marlboro, Mass.
T.S. Josephson and John Koufoudakis, Providence, R.I.
James Chakona, Erie, Pa.
Astor J. Tsibikas, Jersey City
John Vayianos, Pottsville, Pa.
Theo. Phillipacopoulos, Norwich, Conn.
Peter G. Giftos, Pittsfield, Mass.
James T. Leakas, Dayton, Ohio
E. G. Vaffeus, Plainfield, N.J.
Stephen Contos, Newburgh, N.Y.
George A. Karras, Uniontown, Pa.
Andrew Peterson, New Britain, Conn.
Helga Kagin, Toledo
Sotter Calichy and Alexander Papouleas, Peabody-Salem, Mass.
Savas Savides, Pawtucket, R.I.
Anthony Votsis, Norfolk, Va.
Steve Grammas, Hammond, Ind.
James Caravassos, Morgantown, W. Va.
John Grotos and Demetrios E. Djimas, Schenectady, N.Y.
Peter Sallos, Meriden, Conn.
George Beam, Cincinnati, Ohio
Nicholas Harithas and Nick Kessaris, Lewiston, Maine
Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville, Ky.
C.G. Paris, Lyncburg, Va.
Evans Johnson, Pontiac, Mich.
Peter Zafiriades, Watertown, N.Y.
John P. Tatalias, Fall River, Mass.
Manuel Ermides, Albany, N.Y.
Bill Mantjos, Flint, Mich.
Takis Kekessis, Lansing, Mich.
Basil Brown and Harry A Morris, Utica, N.Y.
Harry Zahars, Elyria, Ohio
Gus D. Baines, Denver
Chris E. Athas, Salt Lake City
Tom Kademenos, Yorkville, Ohio
William Petros, San Francisco
John G. Papageorge, Los Angeles
John D. Damis, Portland, Ore.
Louis P. Sollon, Washington, Pa.
Louis K. Tsaros, Indiana Harbor, Ind.
Louis Kustas, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Peter Blackpool, Bridgeton, N.J.
James D. Papajohn, Detroit
Nicholas Boolookos and Costas Chingos, Freeport, N.Y.
Nicholas D. Nitsos, Oakland
George Giakas, Bronx, N.Y.
Vranas Varetjidis and George Galinos, Woburn, Mass.
Peter G. Chingos and Peter Zervas, New York City
Steve Cusuos, Sioux Falls, S.D.
George M. Paradise, Sioux City, Ia.
Tom Ralles, Des Moines, Ia.
Mike Bellas, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Charles Preketes, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Chris Agon, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Peter A. Magas, Kalamazoo, Mich.
George Gibas, Brooklyn
George D. Vaky, Champaign, Ill.
D.G. Michalopoulos, Chicago
Phillip A. Mikes, Chicago
A. A. Pantelis, Evanston, Ill.
Theodore Daldakis, Butte, Mont.
Stavros T. Vradelis, Middletown, Ohio
Peter D. Herakis, Battle Creek, Mich.
John Condominas, Portsmouth, N.H.
Chris D. Gregory, Chicago Heights, Ill.
Christopher Stephanos, Philadelphia
Andrew Kostas and John Zazas, Indianapolis, Ind.
Chris Beres, Peoria, Ill.
Theodore C. Andronicos, San Francisco
Asimakis D. Sioris and Chris James, Washington D.C.
Harry Nikols, Newport News, Va.
George Cassimatis and Apostolos B. Cascambas, Newport, R.I.
Nicholas F. Colovos, Dover, N.H.
Peter Mitchell and T.J. Constantine, New London, Conn.
Peter Victor, Biddeford-Saco, Me.
Theodore Antonakos, Greenboro, N.C.


The following were elected as the Supreme Lodge for the fiscal year of 1920-31:  
George E. Phillies, Supreme President
P.S. Marthakis, Supreme Vice President
Achilles Catsonis, Supreme Secretary
Andrew Jarvis, Supreme Treasurer
Harris J. Booras, Supreme Counselor
Supreme Governors:  George C. Eliades, George A. Stathes, Constantine G. Poulakos, Rev. S.S. Spathey, Dr. G.M. Saliba, Nicholas D. Chotas (Mother Lodge Member), C. R. Nixon, James T. Lekas, A. George N. Spannon, Michael D. Konomos, C.E. Athas, P.J. Andrews, and Dr. N.S. Checkos.
