
Showing posts from May, 2012

"The Cretan Refugees and their American Helpers" published 1868 - FREE ebook

Available as a FREE Google ebook through the title link below THE CRETAN REFUGEES and their AMERICAN HELPERS . A STATEMENT addressed to the contributors for the Relief of Cretan Refugees By Samuel G. Howe Published 1868 - Boston:  Lee and Shepard American Industrial School for Cretan Refugees in Athens.

"Greek Boys Held in Peonage Here - Federal Immigration Revelations Will Mean Prosecutions" article - Chicago Daily Tribune, June 25, 1907

Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, June 25, 1907 GREEK BOYS HELD  IN PEONAGE HERE ----- Federal Immigration Officials'  Revelations Will Mean Prosecutions. ----- CONSUL GENERAL BUSY. ----- Georg Antonopoulos Taken Into Custody on Perjury Charge in Making Affidavit. Several hundred Greek boys are being held to peonage in Chicago fruit stores and shoe shining establishments.  This fact has been revealed by an investigation conducted by the federal immigration officials, aided by Nicholas Salopoulos, the Greek consul general.  Prosecution of the employers for violation of the immigration law will be based on the evidence obtained. The methods by which the boys are imported and landed in Chicago were brought to light through the arrest yesterday of Georg Antonopoulos, 7?0 West Eighty-first street, on the charge of perjury in making an affidavit that two Greek immigrants arriving at Boston were his brother and nephew.  The ...


The book "THE 1821 GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE and AMERICA'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GREEK CAUSE" written by George J. Leber, Executive Secretary Order of Ahepa, was published in February, 1971.   "This (47 page) booklet on the History of the 1821 Greek War of Independence is published by the Order of Ahepa (The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association), in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence (1821-1971)." I have included the Table of Contents and a list of the 215 names mentioned in this book for your reference. This book is available through the U.S. Inter-library loan program, you can work with your local library to obtain a copy. ---------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Background and Events leading up to the Revolution The Fall of Constantinople The Phanariotes Adamantios Koraes Regas O Fereos The Souliotes Philiki Etairia Men and Events of the Revolution In the Peleponnesus...

NSW Government State Records - Greek migration and settlement in New South Wales, Australia

Australia: Archives In Brief 83  Greek migration and settlement in New South Wales A brief overview of the major sources held by State Records that relate to Greek settlement in New South Wales. Searching for individuals in the records Records of the earliest arrivals Arrival records Population records Naturalization records Colonial Secretary's records Business company and bankruptcy records Oyster lease and trawling industry records Theatres and public hall licensing records Records of death duties Other sources

Photograph - Rear Admiral Colvocoresses, U.S.N.

Rear Admiral Colvocoresses, U.S.N.   (click image to enlarge) Source: Books "Greeks in America" by Thomas Burgess - 1913 Available as a FREE ebook

Photograph - John C. Zachos

John C. Zachos  (click image to enlarge) Source: Book "Greeks in America" by Thomas Burgess - 1913 Available as a FREE ebook

Photograph - Graduation Day Greek School, Chicago, Illinois - circa 1913

Graduation Day Greek School, Chicago  (click image to enlarge) Source: Book "Greeks in America" by Thomas Burgess - 1913 Available as a FREE ebook

Book "Diaspora Merchants in the Black Sea - The Greeks in Southern Russia, 1775-1861" by Kardasis - Includes 656 Names

The book "Diaspora Merchants in the  Black Sea - The Greeks in Southern Russia, 1775-1861" by Vassilis Kardasis was published in 2001 by Lexington Books in Lanham, Maryland. I have included a Synopsis along with 656 Names mentioned in this book . If you would like to locate this book , I suggest you work with your local  library.  The library can usually locate the book and get it for you through an  inter-library loan .  I have found my local librarian to be very helpful.  ---------- Publisher's Synopsis: Presented here for the first time in English, this richly detailed study--based on British, French, Greek, and Russian archival sources--tells the story of the powerful Greek trading houses that competed successfully with North America to feed the industrializing population of Western Europe. Vassilis Kardasis presents this commercial history by charting the rise of Greek merchant houses to a position of dominance over th...