History of the Order of AHEPA - The Years 1934-39 (Includes 1,195 Names)

The following is courtesy of the ORDER OF AHEPA - Taken from the book "The History of the Order of Ahepa (The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) 1922-1972" by George J. Leber, Executive Secretary of the Order of Ahepa.  Published by the Order of Ahepa, Washington, D.C. 1972.

This book is available through the U.S. Inter-library loan program, you can work with your local library to obtain a copy.

CHAPTER SIX:  The Years 1934-39

The Eleventh Supreme Convention of the Ahepa was held in Columbus, Ohio during the week of August 20-26, 1934.  Convention Officers were:
James Veras, Chairman
C. G. Economou, Vice Chairman
Louis P. Maniatis, Secretary

Convention Delegates were:  
Supreme Lodge - Harris J. Booras, P.S. Marthakis, Achilles Catsonis, George L. Pappas, George C. Vournas, C. E. Athas, and Robert Katson
Mother Lodge - Nicholas D. Chotas, James Campbell, and George A. Polos

Chapter Delegates were:
James Chiflakos, Atlanta
Chris Leventis and Gus Demetriades, Charlotte
William J. Logothetis, Charleston
John Demosthenes, Savannah
W. H. Royster, Wilson, N.C.
C. R. Nixon and T. Zuppas, Tulsa
Archie Zapetis, Miami
J. K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
Dean Alfange and Dr. M. Demetrius, New York City
G. D. Petheriotes, Houston
P. Dracopoulos and M. Campouri, Washington, D.C.
P. Antonoplos, Pittsburgh
N. Copanos and .J.K. Karagianis, Cleveland
N. Anagnos, Syracuse
C.A. Tsangadas, Detroit
E. B. Kary, Brooklyn
G. Dimas and A. J. Dritsas, New York City
Dr. S. Zaph and M.P. Mamalakis, Chicago
J. Yampanis, Waterbury, Conn.
M. Mathaekis and T.P. Argyris, Newark
H. Stathis and C. B. Johannides, St. Louis
A. C. Angelson and John G. Thevos, Paterson
N. G. Dennis and J. K. Karambelas, Wilkes-Barre
P. C. Gerros and P. L. Adams, Canton
C. Th. Mentis, Reading, Pa.
J. D. Petrou and Nick Economous, Akron
C. Fourlas and J. E. Mack, Harrisburg
William Essaris, Wheeling
C. Theodoridis, Camden
S. Lagges and P. H. Stathopoulos, Lancaster
L. Costas, Binghamton
Alexandros Eliopoulos, Gary
J. Lampros, Worcester
G. Subley, Richmond
J. Veras and P. P. Kaldes, Scranton
N. Nicholas, Jamaica
S. Morousis, New Castle
J. Vlahos and W. N. Harris, Warren
P. Betchunis and C. G. Economou, Youngstown
George E. Phillies, Buffalo
S. Manas, Steubenville
John Govatos, Wilmington
George E. Johnson, Astoria
J.S. Carson, New Haven
Leo J. Lamberson and N.A. Kandis, South Bend
N. G. Anas and George E. Loucas, Weirton, W. a.
Lew Blatz, Oak Park, Ill.
George K. Demopulos and T. S. Josephson, Providence
C. G. Pulakos, Erie
E. Hondroudakis, Jersey City
J. Tsatsanifos, Pottsville
J. Floros, Elmira
N. Floridis and G. Steffens, Dayton
 J. Loupoussakis, Plainfield, N.J.
G. Karras, Uniontown, Pa.
T. Fisher and G. Lagos, Toledo
S. J. Cosmos, Moline, Ill.
N. Asteris, Norfolk
C. Tsatsos, Hammond
P.C. Malas, Cincinnati
C. P. Gianecakes and Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville, Ky.
C. G. Paris, Lyncburg, Va.
W. Petrakis and T. Pekras, Columbus
W. Dakis and H. Chrystie, Albany
P. Adamopoulos and J. Vlahakis, Lansing
P. Delis and P. Jevas, Elyria, Ohio
G. Blaetus, Omaha
C. K. Katon, San Francisco
P.C. Phillips, Sacramento
Dr. N.S. Checkos, Portland, Ore.
G. H. Eliades, Hopewell, Va.
T. Vlahos, Washington, Pa.
G. A. Speros, East Chicago
George Chamouris, Poughkeepsie
A. Samartzopoulos and J.A. Demopoulos, Detroit
G. Perry, Beloit
A. C. Christopoulos and John Chakeres, Lincoln, Nebr.
A. G. Poullos, Grand Island, Nebr.
George Bezaitis, Oakland
Cleo Banos, Bronx
John Bockas, Ogden
V.I. Chebithes and P. G. Chingos, New York City
Alex Cootsis, New York City
H. C. Panagos, Sioux Falls
P. Zanftos, Sioux City
T. Ralles and J. Zanias, Des Moines
P. N. Samios, Hagerstown
C. Preketes and M. G. Perros, Ann Arbor
T. Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids
E. Alatza, Anderson, Ind.
P. A. Magas, Kalamazoo
A. A. Pantelis, Chicago
F. Pofanti and M. Lambros, Chicago
S. Vradelis and P. Matthews, Middletown, Ohio
N. Mantis, Muncie
T. Drellis and G. Vlahos, Muskegon
William Vlassis, Saginaw
Panos Dadiras, Waukegan
P. Carros and V. Milionis, Philadelphia
Peter Boudoures, San Francisco
A. Sioris and J. Lambros, Washington, D.C.
J. G. Paouris, Greenville
A. C. Delianos and G. Mentis, Springfield, Ohio
T. Dunukos, New London
G. Georgiadis, Gallup
P. E. Kamuchey, St. Paul
G. Livas and S. Stelson, Durham
A. Fillias, Elizabeth, N.J.
N.J. Mandris, Annapolis
P. Harilsou, Asbury Park
Kenneth Doukas, Perth Amboy
A. Nickas and P. Nianaris, Canton
H. Cokenides, Fredericksburg
D. Booth, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich
T. State, Benton Harbor, Mich.
C. J. Johnson and J. Vlahogianis, Portsmouth, Ohio
T. G. Costoplos, Pensacola
P. Agrafiotis and J. Akhiles, Danville, Va.
G. Vlassis, Winnipeg, Canada

The newly-elected Supreme Lodge officers for the fiscal year 1934-35 were:
Achilles Catsonis, Supreme President
George E. Johnson, Supreme Vice President
Constantine G. Economou, Supreme Secretary
Peter W. Katsafanas, Supreme Treasurer
George Eliades, Supreme counsellor
Arthur Peponis, Supreme Governor
Peter Boudoures, Supreme Governor


The Twelfth Supreme Convention was held in Chicago, Ill. during the week of August 19-25, 1935.  Convention officers elected were:
Constantine Tsangadas, Chairman
A. Dritsas, Vice Chairman
Louis P. Maniatis, Secretary

The following new Supreme Lodge Officers were elected:
V.I. Chebithes, Supreme President
Constantine A. Tsangadas, Supreme Vice President
Constantine G. Economou, Supreme Secretary
Charles Preketes, Supreme Treasurer
D. G. Michalopoulos, Supreme Counsellor
George K. Demopulos, Supreme Governor
Thomas D. Lentgis, Supreme Governor

Delegates to the 1935 Chicago Supreme Convention were:
Supreme Lodge
Achilles Catsonis
George E. Johnson
Peter Boudoures
Arthur H. Peponis
George C. Eliades
P. W. Katsafanas
Constantine G. Economou
Mother Lodge
S. J. Stamos
George A. Polos
James Campbell

Chapter Delegates:
James Chiflakos, Atlanta
Gus L. Constantine and John Salelarides, Birmingham
W. J. Logothetis, Charleston
Spero Zepatos, Memphis
Thomas K. Zrakas, Wilson, N.C.
C.R. Nixon and John J. Bereolos, Tulsa
John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
George Bassett and Nicholas A. Loumos, Boston
Dean Alfange, New York City
Peter Tsopelas, Philadelphia
John Mantakounis, Asheville, N.C.
John Theophiles, Houston
Dr. Andrew Cavacos, Baltimore
Thomas Skiados and Peter Skiados, Washington D.C.
Peter Antonopoulos and Christ J. Caheris, Pittsburgh
Louis Pappas and Daniel Nikolatos, Cleveland
Theodore Limbert and Nicholas Anagnos, Syracuse
Charles D. Reveliotis and Nicholas Chronis, Cambridge
Harry Sovas, Haverhill
C. Tsangadas and C. Pappas, Detroit
Menelaos Constantinedes, Brooklyn
Andrew J. Dritsas and Nicholas J. Botsacos, New York City
Spyros Methenitis, Milwaukee
S. D. Zaph and William Rousis, Chicago
Rev. Chrisostom Trahadias, Fond du Lac, Wisc.
Thomas P. Argyris and William G. Chirgotis, Newark
Dr. C. B. Johannides and Nicholas Papadimitriou, St. Louis
Donald P. Johnson and Andrew C. Angelson, Paterson
Peter Mallios, Wilkes-Barre
Peter Droukas, Brockton
George Fullas and Thomas Argerson, Allentown
Constantine Mantis, Reading
Thomas C. Vallas, Harrisburg
Thomas Kalogerson and Christie Geankoplis, Minneapolis
William Essaris, Wheeling
Soterios Lagges, Lancaster
A. P. Sanderson and Theo. Madouros, Kansas City, Mo.
Louis H. George, Gary
Charles Davis Kotsilibas, Worcester
John Asimakopoulos, Fort Wayne
James A. Veras and John F. Davis, Scranton
C. G. Arseniadis, Jamaica
Peter Brown, New Castle
George Nicolaou and W. K. Harris, Warren, Ohio
Peter Betchunis and George Chelekis, Youngstown
Steve Manas, Steubenville
Christ Ganas, Peter G. Matsoukas, George Ganas, and D. G. Michalopoulos, Chicago
John Govatos, Wilmington
John A. Kiamos, Astoria
Peter Venech, Stamford
Spyridon Stratigos and Leo J. Lamberson, South  Bend
Thekios K. Kourkoulakos, owell
George E. Loucas, Weirton
Lew Blatz and A. V. Collias, Oak Park
George K. Demopulos and Achilles Joannidi, Providence
John Catsampas, Pottsville
James Floros, Elmira
Basil Theodoras and Steve Stoyeos, Dayton
John A. Givas and Michael J. Loupassakis, Plainfield, N.J.
Nick Kounaris, New Britain
Thomas Fisher and Dan Curtis, Toledo
Charles Bookidis, Moline
Christ Christopoulos, Norfolk
Steve Grammas, Hammond
Fred Maroules and James Kappas, Cincinnati
Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville
C. A. Macris, Joliet
Vasile Gazis and C. Pelias, New Orleans
C. G. Paris, Lynchburg, Columbus
George E. Mayakis, Albany
James Vlahakis and Peter Adamopoulos, Lansing
Peter Delis and Peter Giovas, Lorain
Panayes G. Dikeou and Louis Liakos, Denver
C. E. Athas and P.S. Marthakis, Salt Lake city
Peter Katsura, Omaha
Dr. Emanuel Apostolides, San Francisco
Anthony Aroney, Los Angeles
James Xenides and L. P. Sollon, Canonsburg, Pa.
Constantine P. Frantzis and John Morfis, Indiana Harbor
Gus Perry and Peter G. Allen, Beloit
A. C. Christopulos, Lincoln
Nick Jamson, Grand Island, Nebr.
Nick C. Nichols, Freeport, NN.Y.
Dr. Montell Nofte, Oakland
Thomas Tsalos, Bronx
Thomas D. Lentgis, Seattle
Mike August, Rock Springs
George Karras and Nick Salevouris, Price
V. I. Chebithes and Aleck Cootsis, New York City
George Chumos, Wichita, Kans.
Harry Panagos and Sam Pappas, Sioux Falls
John Sarris, Sioux City
Gust Neofotis, Des Moines
James Koliopoulos and James L. Lambros, Hagerstown
Tony Siamis and Mike Bellas, Cedar Rapids
Christ Agon and Angelo Agon, Grand Rapids
Gust Pancol, Anderson, Ind.
Harry Fellas and Peter Magas, Kalamazoo
George Hadjidis and Anthony Christinides, Brooklyn
P. Tomaras and Andrew Katsinas, Champaign
Basil Lambros and Andrew Fasseas, Chicago
A. A. Pantelis and Paul Koken, Evanston
Harry Lapsates and Frank E. Pofanti, Chicago
Peter Sargen, Butte
S. P. Vradelis, Middletown
Theodore Mentis, Muncie
Theodore Anderson and George Kisciras, Cheyenne
Gus Metes, Battle Creek
Panos Dadiras and James Effans, Waukegan
George Callas and George Melonas, Chicago Heights
Mike Sakell and John Pougialis, Rochester, Minn.
Christ Beres, Peoria
Dr. P. T. Angel, San Francisco
George C. Vournas and Nick J. Libert, Washington, D.C.
Anastas C. Delianos and Michael Chakeres, Springfield, Ohio
Andrew Karigan, Dubuque
George N. Maravell, Fitchburg
Alick Chicras and Alex Zorbas, Duluth
George N. Miller and Peter E. Kamuchey, St. Paul
Tony Demas and Paul Seimenis, Tucson
H. E. Economidy, Galveston
Andrew Ginakis and Peter Zappas, Fargo
Andrew Fillias, Elizabeth, N.J.
Theo. R. Kisciras, Hackensack
Peter J. Gianaris, Asbury Park
Kenneth J. Doukas, Perth Amboy
Peter Norris, Canton
Tom State and Jon Kanalos, Benton Harbor
Guss Kritseles, Danville, Va.
Theodore Manicas, Endicott, N.Y.
James Georgopoulos, Mansfield, Ohio
Peter Kalyvas, Winnipeg, Canada


The 13th Supreme Convention was held in St. Paul, Minn., during the week of August 16-22, 1936, and the following were elected as convention officers:
A.A. Pantelis, Chairman
Andrew Dritsas, Vice Chairman
Angelo J. Manousos, Secretary

Delegates to the 1936 Supreme Convention included:
Supreme Lodge
V. I. Chebithes
C. A. Tsangadas
Constantine G. Economou
A. Rogokos
Thomas D. Lentgis
George K. Demopulos
D. G. Michalopoulos
Mother Lodge
James Campbell
George Campbell
S. J. Stamos
Harry Angelopoulos
George A. Polos

Past Supreme President - Achilles Catsonis

Chapter Delegates:
A. D. Rumanos and Frank Plagianos, Atlanta
Theodore J. Bereolos and V. W. Birilis, Tulsa
John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
Harris J. Booras, Boston
E. D. Polites, New York City
Peter Tsopelas, Philadelphia
John Mantakunis, Asheville
Charles D. Exarky and John A. Drosos, Houston
Nicholas Sakelos, Baltimore
Soterios Nicholson and Peter Dracopoulos, Washington, D.C.
A.E. Kamarinos, Pittsburgh
George N. Kalkas, Cleveland
Nicholas Anagnos and Daniel Pananicles, Syracuse
Charles J. Pappas and Louis G. Macres, Detroit
Edward Karey, Brooklyn
George Papaeleas and Andrew J. Dritzas, New York City
Andrew Zafiropoulos, Milwaukee
Peter T. Tsiales, Manchester
Mark Mamalakis and James Poulakis, Chicago
Rev. Chrisostom, Trahadias, Fond du Lac
A.C. Kirios, Lynn
Chris Fragos, Yonkers
Peter N. Kitsos and George A. Lollos, Newark
Dr. C.B. Johannides, St. Louis
Peter A. Adams, Paterson
Constantine Mentis, Reading
James Sentementes, Bridgeport
Gus Papageorge, Akron
D. N. Karalis, Minneapolis
Thomas N. Christie, Minneapolis
William Essaris, Wheeling
Sotirios Lagges, Lancaster
James Millas, Trenton
C. G. Garrison and Gus D. Fitch, Kansas City, Mo.
Harry Maragus, Binghamton
George Dallis, Gary
Theodore Christy, Chester
Arthur H. Lalos, Worcester
George Mallers, fort Wayne
John F. Davis, Scranton
Elias L. Janetis, Springfield, Mass.
Pete Chimbides and Bill Aronis, Warren
George Andrews, Youngstown
George E. Phillies, Buffalo
George D. Martin, Steubenville
John L. Manta and Van A. Nomikos, Chicago
Peter G. Sikokis, Chicago
John Govatos, Wilmington
John Kiamos, Astoria
Thomas Nanos and George Neoforos, Stamford
Leo Lamberson, South Bend
Steve Roulis and Nick Anas, Weirton
G. N. Polales and Lew Blatz, Oak Park
Achilles Joannidi, Providence
Anthony Dedopoulos, Jersey City
Anthony Laganis, Pottsville
George Galane and Michael Loupassakis, Plainfield
Nick Kounaris, New Britain
Thomas Fisher and George Theodore, Toledo
Spiro Cosmos, Moline
Steve Grammas, Hammond
John P. Harritos and John N. Farres, Cincinnati
Louis P, Maniatis, Louisville
Guss Gecas, Joliet
Constantine Pelias, New Orleans
C. G. Paris, Lynchburg
George E. Mayakis, Albany
Frank Ballas and James Giannaris, Lansing
Peter Delis, Lorain
Chris E. Athas, Salt Lake City
John Petrou and Tom Douvas, Omaha
Anton Krichelas and John Morfis, East Chicago
Anthony A. Trupis, Detroit
A. C. Christopulos and Chris A. Christopulos, Lincoln
Nick Jamson and James Camaras, Grand Island
Robert Katson, Albuquerque
James L. Kappas, Bronx
Nick Zefkelis, Seattle
Angelo J. Manousos and Chris Manthou, Tacoma
Harry Theologou and Alec Cootsis, New York
George Theodoson, Sioux Falls
Andrew Paradise, Sioux City
Gust Neofotis and John Zanias, Des Moines
Paul Costa and Mike Bellas, Cedar Rapids
Paul Preketes, Ann Arbor
Chris Agon and Tom Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids
Peter Magas, Kalamazoo
George Hadjidis and Anthony Christimides, Brooklyn
Costas Mellas, Andrew Fasseas, Chris C. Harvalis, A. A. Pantelis, and Frank E. Pofanti, Chicago
Theodore Costos, Butte
Basil Papantonis, Mason City
Stephen Valasiades and John D. Constantine, Fort Dodge, Ia.
George C. Lambesis, Middletown
George T. Kisciras and Theodore Anderson, Cheyenne
George Stavron and William Johnell, Muskegon
Peter Carres, Philadelphia
Mike Sakell and Sam Frances, Rochester, Minn.
Christ Beres, Peoria
Peter Boudoures, San Francisco
George C. Vournas, Washington, D.C.
Michael H. Chakeres, Springfield, Ohio
John P. Lampros, Dover, N.H.
Nicholas Chachamuti, Biddeford, Me.
John Kotsovates, Chicago
Andrew Poulos, Dubuque
Pete C. Dakis, Santa Fe
Georges Ades, Gallup
Alex Zorbas and Alex Apostol, Duluth
Peter E. Kamuchey and James Dimopoulos, St. Paul
H. E. Economidy and Angelo Caravegeli, Galveston
George Bullis and John Chonas, Fargo
Jean M. Kossarides, Hackensack
George Tremoulis, Canton
Harry Cokenides, Fredericksburg
Constantine Booth and James Catel, Sault Ste. Marie
Thomas State, Benton Harbor
William Nicolau and John Demos, Jackson, Mich.
T. G. Costoplos and Charles Liberies, Pensacola
Guss A. Kritselis, Danville, Va.
Charles Bizios, Mansfield
J. H. Mooradian and A. Vlassis, Winnipeg, Canada
James Beltekos, Regina, Sask., Canada
Gus Bonnie, Moose Jaw, Canada
John Giovanis, Harrisburg, Pa.
George Contos, Joliet
Peter Giovas, Lorain
P.G. Allen and George A. Malleris, Beloit
James DeBerry and George Chickekos, Bridgeport, Nebr.

The following Supreme Lodge was elected for fiscal year 1956-37:
V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President
D. G. Michalopoulos, Supreme ice President
Constantine G. Economou, Supreme Secretary
August Rogokos, Supreme Treasurer
Andrew J. Dritsas, Supreme Counsellor
Thomas D. Lentgis, Supreme Governor
Speros J. Cosmos, Supreme Governor

- Ted Panos, Casper, Wyo. was awarded the Lowden Prize for excellence in the Greek language at the University of Iowa

- Viola Felopoulos of Bennington, Vt. won the Vermont school championship in shorthand.

- George, Andrew and Matilda Baseleon of Peoria, Ill., took all honors in the city tennis championships.

- Ahepan George Ades is Mayor of Grants, New Mexico.

- Steve Vasilakos, whose peanut stand in front of the White House had been a familiar sight for years to government workers and tourists to Washington, D.C. donated two days sales to the Red Cross.

- Miss Katina Agnew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Agnew of Baltimore, received the Bronze Distinguished Service Award from Forest Park High School.  Her father, Theodore S. Agnew was Secretary of Baltimore Chapter. 30, and her brother, Spiro T. Agnew, was to become Vice President of the United States some 33 years later.


The 14th Supreme Convention convened in Syracuse, N.Y. during the week of August 16-21, 1937.  The following were elected convention officers:
Achilles Catsonis, Chairman
Soterios Nicholson, Vice Chairman
John G. Thevos, Secretary

Delegates attending were:

Supreme Lodge
V. I. Chebithes
D.G. Michalopoulos
Constantine G. Economou
Andrew J. Dritsas
August Rogokos
Spero Cosmos
Thomas D. Lentgis

Mother Lodge
George A. Polos
James Campbell

District Governors
William J. Logothetis
George H. Eliades
William Essaris
James Millas
Aleck Kuches
George N. Maravell
Peter T. Tsiales
Charles N. Diamond
George E. Loucas
Van Nomikos
John Theophiles
George Kisciras
P.S. Marthakis
G. Vlassis

Chapter Delegates
Nick Carusos and Chris Poole, Atlanta
N. Flesser, Birmingham
D. Diasouakis, Charleston
John Demosthenes, Savannah
Paul Hantzacos and Jerry Dragones, Jacksonville
Andrew Doukas and Nick Jack, Tampa
Jerry Galatis, Miami
Nick Dennis, St. Petersburg
John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
George Miller, West Palm Beach
Chris Dixie, Dallas
Harris J. Booras and John M. Stratis, Boston
Eustratios D. Polites and Thomas Paledes, New York
Basil Anargyros, Baltimore
Thomas N. Skiados and Soterios Nicholson, Washington, D.C.
A. E. Camarinos and A. A. Karkalas, Pittsburgh
John Dimtsios, Nashua
Nicholas Anagnos and Achilles Catsonis, Syracuse
Nicholas Chronis and Alexander Varkas, Cambridge
Emanuel N. Kary and Const. A. Tsangadas, Detroit
George L. Bourney, Brooklyn
George Papaeleas and Steve Vafiades, New York
Andrew Zafiropoulos, Milwaukee
Louis Georgeson, Manchester
Mark Mamalakis and S. D. Zaph, Chicago
Charles Varoutsos, Lynn
Constantine J. Critzas and Christ Fragos, Yonkers
Peter N. Kitsos, Newark
C. B. Johannides, St. Louis
Andrew C. Angelson and John G. Thevos, Paterson
William Seras and John L. Trouis, Wilkes-Barre
James P. Manos and Frank Lotsopoulos, Canton
George Fullas and C.P. Thomas, Allentown
Constantine Mantis and George Pasayotis, Reading
Steven Kremastiotes and James Sentementes, Bridgeport, Conn.
James Economou, Akron
Thomas Vallas and John Giovanis, Harrisburg
Stelios Hoimes and A. N. Sakellarides, Bethlehem
George B. Chandler, Minneapolis
Sam Peters, Rochester, N.Y.
Frank Demas and Louis Velas, Wheeling
Costas Theodoris, Camden
George Anthony, Trenton
C.N. Avgerin, Kansas City, Mo.
Frank J. Paul and Louis Costa, Binghamton
Phillip Chicolas, Worcester
James Heliotes and Peter Mallers, Ft. Wayne
Thomas Kalafatis, Richmond
John F. Davis and Peter John Kaldes, Scranton
James Mazarakos, Springfield, Mass.
Nicholas Nicholas, Jamaica
Speer Marousis, New Castle, Pa.
Euripides Chimbithes and Nick S. Binikos, Warren, Ohio
George E. Phillies and Nicholas Basil, Buffalo
George J. Papulias, Steubenville
John L. Manta, Harry G. Christos, Paul L. Alexander and Peter G. Sikokis, Chicago
John Govatos, Wilmington
Anthony Kondoleon and John Kiamos, Astoria
Seraphim Pappas, Nwe Haven
Angeles N. Caras, Stamford
Milton Kourbetis, South Bend
Peter J. Haste and Michael Xifaras, New Bedford
George E. Eliades and Theodore Stamas, Lowell
Steve Roulis and Peter G. Samaras, Weirton
George N. Stellas and Kostas Gianopoulos, Oak Park
George Demopulos, Providence
Anthony Dedopoulos and Othis Scouris, Jersey City
Nick Carros, Pottsville
John Vohalis, Norwich
George Frankos, Uniontown
N. Kounaris, New Britain
Hela Kagin and Anthony A. Adams, Toledo
Nick Grevas and John Koletis, Moline
Sam Douros, Norfolk
Steve Grammas, Hammond
Louis Lymperopoulos, Schenectady
John P. Harritos and James P. Kappas, Cincinnati
Louis P. Maniatis and Chris Malharis, Louisville
George F. Contos, Joliet
Christo Georgiades and Constantine Pelias, New Orleans
G. G. Paris and J. D. Chohonis, Lynchburg
Nicholas D. Dusckas, Watertown, N.Y.
Peter G. Giftos and George D. Jeoney, Albany
Nicholas Louckes, Lansing
Harry Morris and Dennis Livadis, Utica
Gus Baines and James G. Dikeou, Denver
C. E. Athas, Salt Lake City
Tom Kademenos, Yorkville
George C. Peterson, San Francisco
George E. Geracimos, Washington, Pa.
George Chamuris, Poughkeepsie
P. G. Allen and George A. Malleris, Beloit
William Pappas and Nicholas J. Christakes, Lincoln, Nebr.
George La Marr, Atlantic City
George A. Bezaitis, Oakland
Robert Katson and Anthony Pavlantos, Albuquerque
Leo Ypsilanti and James Cappas, Bronx
Soterios G. Geannaris and Theodore Zorbas, Woburn
Charles Rallis, Green River
Harry Theologou and Basil Curtis, New York
Christ Smerlis, Sioux Falls
Peter Samios and John Nacopoulos, Hagerstown
Paul Preketes, Ann Arbor
Thomas Kouchoukos, Grand Rapids
Anthony Christinides and John Stevason, Brooklyn
G. D. Vaky, Champaign, Ill.
Thanos Demos, Chris C. Harvalis, Andrew Fasseas, Chicago
A. A. Pantelis and Paul Kare, Evanston
Chris Gannas and Frank Pofanti, Chicago
Theodore Costos, Butte
Theo Mentes, Muncie
Theodore Anderson, Cheyenne
P. J. Wallace, Stockton
John Poulos and George Vulgaris, Muskegon
Paul Georges and Peter Carres, Philadelphia
James Karon, Kokomo
Ross Phill, Rochester, Minn.
George Geroulis, Indianapolis
Peter Boudoures and George Trigonis, San Francisco
Peter Charuhas and George C. Vournas, Washington D. C.
Steve Brown, Greenville, S.C.
Gus Poulos, Rutland
Christ Lykodis and Michael Chakeres, Springfield, Ohio
Gus Collis and Louis Constant, Lexington, Ky.
Harris Pappas and Andrew Poulos, Dubuque
George Ades, Gallup
Peter E. Kamuchey, St. Paul
Demas A. Caravageli, Galveston
Louis Loizou, Durham
James Santrizos and Connie Ginakis, Fargo
Nicholas Saros, Elizabeth, N.J.
John Triantafylos, Reno
George Blanos and Nick Angelakos, Columbia, S.C.
Jean M. Kossarides, Hackensack, N.J.
Nicholas J. Mandris, Annapolis
Peter Jarvis, Asbury Park
Tom State, Benton Harbor
John Demos, Jackson, Mich.
George Johnson, Portsmouth, Ohio
James Pedakis, Pensacola
Guss Kritselis and John Maurakis, Danville, Va.
Peter Kominos, Endicott
Peter D. Clentzos, San Bernardino, Calif.
Peter L. Lambrou, Mansfield
George Paulas, Troy
Eleutherios Dallas, Harold Orr, Toronto, Canada
Stanley Masters, London, Canada
John Fellas, Ottawa, Canada
Constantine Halikas, Montreal, Canada
Nick Taras, Memphis
Charles Chaprakas, Worcester
George J. Chelekis, Youngstown
Peter Floros, Elmira
Gus Greven, Elmira
Nicholas Foundas, Newburgh
Andrew Peterson, New Britain
C. Malliaris, Louisville
Angel Pappas, Lorain
John Kominis, Lorain
George Chiames, Peoria
Christ Beres, Peoria
George Nicolopoulos, Chicago
C. B. Johannides, St. Louis
L. P. Lambrous and George H. Davis, Mansfield
Leo Lamberson, South Bend
Milton Kourebetis, South Bend
Chris Malavazos, Portsmouth, Ohio
Peter G. Chertos, Grand Rapids
Gus Ballas, Bronx
M. V. Nicholson and George N. Hondron, Danbury
Christ J. Petrow and H. Matsukas, Omaha
George N. Kalkas, Cleveland
Christ J. Colocousis, Brockton
George Lembesis, Middletown

The Supreme Lodge was authorized to accept contributions toward the purchase of property in Florida for the establishment of a national home for orphans or old men, or both, in Pinellas County . . . . 
The following contributions were announced the following day at the convention for the purchase of such land or property:
George Sarras, Lexington, Ky - $1,000
J. Pedakis, Pensacola - $100
John F. Davis, Scranton - $1,000
Van Nomikos, Chicago - $1,000
John G. Koletis, Moline - $100
Peter A. Adams, Paterson - $500
Stelios Hoimes, Bethlehem - $300
A. A. Adams, Newark - $250
A. A. Doukas, Tampa - $250
C. G. Paris, Quantico, Va. - $250
Nicholas Dennis, St. Petersburg - $250
Peter G. Samaras, Weirton - $200
George Sellas, Oak Park, Ill - $200
George Miller, Palm Beach - $200
Charles Davis Kotsilibas, Worcester - $200
Louis Smitzes, Tarpon Springs - $200

The following were $100 contributors:
Nick Kounaris, New Britain
George Chiames, Peoria
Christos Fragos, New York City
George H. Davis, Bucyrus, Ohio
Nick Baimas, New York City
Anthony Dedopoulos, Jersey City
Tom Kaidemenos, Yorkville, Ohio
Nick Jack, Tampa
Gus Bruskas, Albuquerque
John Sakis, Tampa
Peter K. Kominos, Endicott

The following were $50 contributors:
John K. Douglas, Tarpon Springs
Frank N. Demas, Wheeling
Nick Angelakos, Sumter S.C.
Pete Brown, New Castle, Pa.

William Essaris, Wheeling - donated $20.39


The Supreme Lodge elected at the Syracuse Supreme Convention was:
V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President
Van A. Nomikos, Supreme Vice President
C. G. Economou, Supreme Secretary
John F. Davis, Supreme Treasurer
A.A. Pantelis, Supreme Counsellor
C. G. Paris, Supreme Governor
Peter Boudoures, Supreme Governor
Also the following three members of the Sanatorium Board were elected: 
John A. Manta
Chris E. Athas
Harris J. Booras


Other mentions:
- Anargyros E. Camarinos of Pittsburgh was appointed chief legal assistant to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
- "Alexander Kampouris Day" was held at Wrigley Field in Chicago on August 13, 1937, honoring this big league baseball player of Greek descent
- Chicagoan Nick S. Govess was elected to the Commission of Grand Lecturer in the Masonic Order
- West Coast athletes achieving prominence were Stanford University football regulars Tsoutouvas and Coffis, boxer George Theodoratos of Washington State who turned professional, and Tom Peratis and George Plakos of Los Angeles Junior College were outstanding on the football team
- Sons of Pericles member George Pappas receives the Times-Picayune newspaper award for making the highest scholastic average in high school, despite the fact that he had arrived in the U.S. only seven years earlier
- 19 year old Sons member George Ganacoplos was employed as a secretary to various committees in the State Capitol in Madison, Wisc.
- The Hammond, Ind. Chapter gave a banquet in honor of the local high school football team.  The captain of the team was Hercules Bereolos.


The Ahepa National Banquet was held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. on March 2, 1938, under the chairmanship of Dr. Harry S. Sembekos of Washington, with co-chairman Helen Peratino.  Toastmaster was Supreme Counsellor A.A. Pantelis, and speakers were Sons of Pericles Supreme President Christ J. Petrow, U.S. Representative Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, Senator William King of Utah, the Honorable Paul V. McNutt, American High Commissioner of the Philippine Islands, and Supreme President V.I. Chebithes.


- March 3, 1938, The Ahepa Supreme Lodge visited President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House
- John Kokores, who became an American citizen in 1899 in New York, was credited with the founding of the Tarpon Springs sponge fishing industry
- James E. Valos of Muncie, Ind., a private in the U.S. Marine Corps, was presented a medal for bravery and valor in the Battle of Soochow Creek, Shanghai
- Ahepan Nick Salevurakis, one of the largest land owners and live stock dealers in the west, served the government in an advisory capacity on the administration of public land
- I.A. Lougaris of Reno, Nev., was on the committee supervising the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Nevada Veterans Hospital, and was largely responsible for the location of the new facility in Reno
- Gus Zitrides, pas president of Manchester, N.H. Sons of Pericles chapter, was named to the Associated Press All-American third team as a guard on the Dartmouth College team
- Gus Zarnas, All-American at Ohio State, plays in the Shrine East-West game, and is signed by the Chicago Bears professional football team
- Socrates Thomas Stathes of Washington, D.C. was awarded the Paris School of Architecture award of $3,600 and a trip to Paris and board and tuition at the French school in competition against 800 other young architects
- George J. Bacalles is sports editor of the Corning, N.Y. Evening Leader
- Jean Angelo, 14, of Hudson, Mass. wins the National Spelling Contest in Washington, D.C.


The 15th Supreme Convention of the Order was held in New Orleans, La., during the week of August 15-20, 1938.  Convention officers elected were:
P.S. Marthakis, Chairman
Leo Lamberson, Vice Chairman
Nick Economou, Secretary

Delegates to the convention were:

Supreme Lodge
V. I. Chebithes
Van A. Nomikos
Constantine G. Economou
A. Pantelis
Peter Boudoures
C. G. Paris

Mother Lodge
James Campbell
Harry Angelopoulos
George Campbell
S J. Stamos
George A. Polos

District Governors
Gus L. Constantine
Nick Jack
Soterios Nicholson
Jean M. Kossarides
Peter L. Bell
Charles N. Diamond
George Papulias
Harry A. Reckas
D. N. Karalis
Sam Bushong
C. A. Georgiades
George Kisciras
P. E. Athas
P. Lambros

Chapter Delegates
Chris Poole and Charles Alexander, Atlanta
Paul Constantine and Peter Derzis, Birmingham
W. J. Logothetis, Charleston
Charles Lamas and Theodore Koldgakalis, Savannah
Kelanthis Validakis and Manuel Stephanides, Jacksonville
George Cotros and Spero Zepatos, Memphis
Gus Cosse and Dan Lorant, Shreveport
John Manikis and Andrew Doukas, Tampa
Ted Bercolos and George Mavris, Tulsa
G. Alexander, Miami
Louis Smitzes and Manuel Johnson, Tarpon Springs
Peter Muchos, W. Palm Beach
Pete Logan, Jr., Ft. Worth
Tom Semos and Anthony Condos, Dallas
Harris J. Booras and John Stratis, Boston
Aristides Georgiades and John A. Vassilaros, New York City
Peter Carres, Philadelphia
P. V. Pappas and Nick Peet, Houston
Herudes Rodopoulos, Asheville
A. Raptis, Baltimore
George Peratino and William A. Revis, Washington, D.C.
James K. Karambelas, Pittsburgh
Fred Spanos and James Mylonas, Cleveland
Nick Anagnos, Syracuse
A.D. Varkas, Brookline, Mass.
C.A. Tsangadas and E.M. Karay, Detroit
Mike Loris, Brooklyn
Stephen Scopas, New York City
William Russis and M.P. Mamalakis, Chicago
John G. Scocos, Fond du Lac
C. J. Critzas, Yonkers
William Chirgotis, Newark
W. Lamperson and Dr. C. B. Johannides, St. Louis
John G. Thevos, Paterson
Spiros Ventyros, Easton
E. T. Chiaparas, Allentown
Christ Kraras, Reading
James Sentementes, Bridgeport, Conn.
Theodore Konstantinopoulos and Nick Economou, Akron
T. Vallas, Harrisburg
Stelios Hoimes, Bethlehem
Christie Geankoplis, Minneapolis
Peter R. Arslain and Louis Velas, Wheeling
Soterios Lagges, Lanceaster
Peter Manetas, Trenton
Michael D. Konomos and Gus Fitch, Kansas City, Mo.
A. Sirmis and Peter Librakos, New Brunswick
Basil Kontulis, Worcester
Theodore Rovatzos, Scranton
James Mazarakos, Springfield, Mass.
Bill Brown, New Castle
E. Chimbidis, Warren
Peter Betchunis and C. G. Constantopoulos, Youngstown
George E. Phillies, Buffalo
Peter J. Vamos, Steubenville
P. Norman Vardase, John L. Manta, Zack T. Ritsos and Paul Alexander, Chicago
John Govatos, Wilmington
John Papadopoulos, Astoria
Christy Matsagas, New Haven
Dennis Macrides, Stamford
Leo J. Lamberson, South Bend
George C. Eliades, Lowell
A. G. Davis, Weirton
George N. Sellas and A. Collias, Chicago
George K. Demopulos and Peter B. Vican, Providence
Constantine Zaharas, Dayton
Nick Kounaris, New Britain
Nicholas Pappas, Toledo
Dr. G. E. Mortis, Salem, Mass.
Speros J. Cosmos and John J. Booras, Moline
Nick Christopoulos, Pawtucket
Steve Grammas, Hammond
John P. Harritos and Andrew Katsanis, Cincinnati
James Janakis and Louis P. Maniatis, Louisville
George F. Contos and Costas H. Athan, Joliet
William Helis and C. Pelias, New Orleans
James K. Costas, Lynchburg
Nick Gianopoulos, Pontiac
Harry Rougas, Fall River
Tom Tamaresis and James Dikeou, Denver
P.S. Marthakis and C. E. Athas, Salt Lake City
Christ J. Petrow and George C. Polyzois, Omaha
Hercules Arconti, San Francisco
Anthony Aroney and Evangel Havelis, Los Angeles
P. C. Phillips, Sacramento
John Morfis, East Chicago
P. H. Kosmos, Lincoln, Nebr.
Nick Jamson, Grand Island
James Nitson and Tom J. Filis, Oakland
Gus Bruskas, Albuquerque
Thomas D. Lentgis and Nick Zefkelis, Seattle
Angelo Manoussos, Tacoma
Tony C. August, Rock Springs
Steve Vretas, Green River
George N. Conarell, Bingham Canyon, Utah
George Koulis, Ogden
George Karras, Price, Utah
Alex Kuches, New York City
George J. Leber, Wichita, Kans.
Will Franks and Theodore Constantinopoulos, Springfield, Ill.
Christ Smerlin, Sioux Falls
James Kaskoulas and George Karaidos, Des Moines
James Kolopoulos, Hagerstown
Samuel G. Poulos, Cedar Rapids
Tom Kouchoukos and Christ Agon, Grand Rapids
Charles Preketes, Ann Arbor
Harry Alexander and Jack Mangas, Anderson, Ind.
Peter Magas, Kalamazoo
George Vaky, Champaign
Thanos Demos and J. P. Prattes, Chicago
L. Nigal and George Morris, Evanston
Frank Pofanti and C. Calapetes, Chicago
George Lambesis, Middletown
T. Anderson and Christ Christopoulos, Cheyenne
G. Vulgaris, Muskegon
Peter Hellis, Waukegan
Sam Zarkos, Bakersfield
John G. Zazas, Indianapolis
Dan Sallis and Michael Maratsos, San Francisco
Peter Charuhas and George C. Vournas, Washington, D.C.
John Collins, Oklahoma City
D. Lewis, Newport, R.I.
L. Constant and P. Orfanos, Lexington, Ky.
George Nicolopoulos and Peter Schepis, Chicago
Andrew Poulos and Harris Pappas, Dubuque
George Georgiadis, Gallup
G. Maravell, Pittsburgh
Paul Andrews and Paul Kalamides, Duluth
John Mornas, St. Paul
John Metaxis and A. Frangos, Galveston
A. Chrissis, Fargo
John Fazlov, Hackensack
K. Jackinides and P. Kourmoules, Canton
J. Demos, Jackson, Mich.
C. Malavazos, Portsouth, Ohio
James Pedakis and J. Kotsovetos, Pensacola
G. Kritiselis, Danville, Va.
P. Clentzos, San Bernardino
George Davis and L. P. Lambrou, Mansfield
A. Houvouras, Huntington, W. Va.
James Kappas and Emanuel Carantolis, Charleston, W. Va.
C. Papadeas, Mobile
G. Colias, San Antonio
E. Gatoura, Austin, Tex.
P. Vauras, Salt Lake City
C. Alexopoulos and George Caravlos, Chicago
Arthur Argyries, Rochester, N.Y.
Steve Stephanos, Chester, Pa.
James Leeson, Beloit

The convention elected the following Supreme Lodge for the fiscal year 1938-39:
V. I. Chebithes, Supreme President
Van A. Nomikos, Supreme Vice President
Louis P. Maniatis, Supreme Secretary
John Zaras, Supreme Treasurer
A. A. Pantelis, Supreme Counsellor
James G. Dikeou, Supreme Governor
George E. Loucas, Supreme Governor
Constantine Halikas, Special Canadian Supreme Governor

The Ahepa Silver District Sanatorium Board of Directors appointed was:
John L. Manta, Chairman
Chris E. Athas, Vice Chairman
Anthony G. Pavlantos, Treasurer
Members of the Board:  James Ipiotis, Dr. S. D. Zaph, George Kisciras, and Theodore Anderson
